Logo Germanistenverzeichnis

Felicia Nneka Ibemesi

Geb. 1949, Nigeria-Enugu, Nigeria

Neuere deutsche Literaturwissenschaft (Fachgebiet) - Sprache und Literatur in allen Stufen-Grammatik, Stylistik, Landeskunde usw. (Lehrgebiet)


Nigeria University of Nigeria, Nsukka - Department of Foreign Languages & Literatures Enugu State Nigeria


Besondere Forschungsgebiete Literatur, Komparatistik, Interkulturelles Studium.

Monographien Pocket English Grammar for Foreign Language Learners, 2000. Visions and Missions, 2000

Aufsätze und Beiträge (alias Okeome-Ochilozua). An Analysis of the Concept of Assumed Names in Igbo Society. In: Africana Marburgensia, Vol. XXI, 1, 1988. Achebe and Kafka Failed Their Protagonists. In: NATOG, Journal of the Nigerian Association of Teachers of German, 1, 1992. Problems of Multilingual Experience: Thought Channels in the Learning of German as Foreign Language by Nigerian Students. In: EJOLLS: Ekpoma Journal of Language and Literary Studies, 5/6, 1992-1993. Themes and Structures in the Novels of Franz Kafka and Camara Laye. In: JMLAN: Journal of Modern Languages Association of Nigeria, 2, 1994. Fremde Entfremdung: Kafka Lektüre mit nigerianischen Studenten. In: Etudes germano-africaines 12-13, 1994-1995. A Comparative Study of Borrowing and Indigenization of Foreign Words in Igbo and German. In: NJH-Nsukka Journal of the Humanities, 9, 1998. German Literature And the Nigerian Audience: The Extended Reading of German Literature in Nigeria. In: Journal of the Association of Teachers of German 2, 1997. The Past and Present History of Some Igbo Surnames. In: IJOSH-International Journal of Studies in the Humanities 1, 1998. Kafka und die Problematik der Entfremdung. In: Etudes germano-africaines (im Druck)


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