Prof. Dr. Livio Gaeta
Geb. 1969, Professore ordinario seit 2016, Torino, Italien
Sprachwissenschaft (Fachgebiet) - Linguistik (Lehrgebiet)
Università degli Studi di Torino – Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici – Via S. Ottavio, 20 – 10124 Torino
Andere dienstliche Anschrift Università degli Studi di Torino – Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici – Via S. Ottavio, 20 – 10124 Torino
- #Sprachtheorie
- #Kontrastive Linguistik, Sprachvergleich, Sprachtypologie
- #Grammatik, Grammatikographie
- #Phonetik, Phonologie
- #Morphologie
- #Wortbildung
- #Lexikologie, Lexikographie
- #Phraseologie
- #Syntax
- #Ältere Sprachstufen
- #Sprachgeschichte, Sprachwandel
- #Dialektologie
- #Orthographie
- #Computerlinguistik
Besondere Forschungsgebiete
- #Sprachkontakt
- Sprachinseln
- Lineamenti di grammatica tedesca, Roma: Carocci, 2017.
- Quando i verbi compaiono come nomi. Un saggio di morfologia naturale, Milano: Franco Angeli, 2002.
Aufsätze und Beiträge
- “Loanword formation in minority languages: lexical strata in Titsch and Töitschu” (mit Marco Angster), in Pius ten Acken & Renáta Panocová (eds.), The Interaction of Borrowing and Word Formation, Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2020, 215-236.
- “Remotivating inflectional classes: an unexpected effect of grammaticalization”, in Bridget Drinka (ed.), Historical Linguistics 2017. Selected papers from the 23rd International Conference on Historical Linguistics, San Antonio, Texas, 31 July – 4 August 2017, Amsterdam / Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 2020, 205-227.
- “English as a Bridge: An L3-Approach to Contrastive Linguistics”, in Michalis Georgiafentis, Giannoula Giannoulopoulou, Maria Koliopoulou & Angeliki Tsokoglou (eds.), Contrastive Studies in Morphology and Syntax. London: Bloomsbury Academic, 2020, 26-44.
- “Anti-relevant, contra-iconic but system-adequate: on unexpected inflectional changes”, in Michela Cennamo & Claudia Fabrizio (eds.), Historical Linguistics 2015: Selected papers from the 22nd International Conference on Historical Linguistics, Naples, 27-31 July 2015, Amsterdam / Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 2019, 172-184.
- “Diachrony as a Source of Asymmetric Coding: Using the Past to Explain Naturalness”, in Irantzu Epelde Zendoia & Oroitz Jauregi Nazabal (eds.), Bihotz ahots: M. L. Oñederra irakaslearen omenez, Bilbao: Universidad del País Basco, 2019, 279-295, 2019.
- “Die Schrecken des deutschen Nomens: Flexionsklassen, Nominalphrasen und Pronomina zwischen Norm und Variation”, in Claudio Di Meola, Joachim Gerdes & Livia Tonelli (eds.), Germanistische Linguistik und DaF-Didaktik, Berlin: Frank & Timme, 2019, 75-88.
- “Conservazione e innovazione nelle varietà walser: i progetti DiWaC e ArchiWals”, (mit Marco Bellante, Raffaele Cioffi und Marco Angster), in Roberto Rosselli Del Turco (ed.), Dall’indoeuropeo al germanico: problemi di linguistica storica. Atti del XVIII Seminario Avanzato in Filologia Germanica, Alessandria, Edizioni dell’Orso, 2019, 141-193.
- “Categorial shift and morphological differentiation”, Language Sciences 73, 2019, 190-199.
- “Stripping paradigmatic relations out of the syntax” (mit Marco Angster), Morphology 29.2, 2019, 249-270.
- "Im Passiv sprechen in den Alpen”, Sprachwissenschaft 43.2, 2018, 221-250.
- “Wie kurz sind die Kurzverben? Morphologische Merkmale in Gressoney und Issime” (mit Marco Angster), Germanistische Linguistik 239-240, 2018, 211-237.
- “Between VP and NN: On the Constructional Types of German -er Compounds” (mit Amir Zeldes), Constructions and Frames 9.1, 2017, 1-40.
- “Valency alternations between inflection and derivation: a contrastive analysis of Italian and German”, in L. Hellan et al. (eds.), Contrastive Studies in Verbal Valency, Amsterdam, Benjamins, 2017, 327-373.
- “Irregularität und Systemangemessenheit”, in A. Bittner & K.-M. Köpcke (eds.), Prozesse der Regularität und Irregularität in Phonologie und Morphologie, Berlin, de Gruyter, 2016, 29-46.
- “How lexical is morphology? The constructicon and the quadripartite architecture of grammar”, in L. Körtvélyessy et al. (eds.), Word-Formation across Languages, Cambridge, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2016, 109-146.
- “Co-opting exaptation in a theory of language change”, in M. Norde & F. Van de Velde (eds.), Exaptation in language change, Amsterdam, Benjamins, 2016, 57-92.
- “Evaluative Morphology and Sociolinguistic Variation”, in N. Grandi & L. Körtvélyessy (eds.), Edinburgh Handbook of Evaluative Morphology, Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2015, 121-133.
- “On decategorization and its relevance in German”, in R. Simone & F. Masini (eds.), Word classes: nature, typology and representations, Amsterdam, Benjamins, 2014, 227-241.
- "Multiple sources for the German scandal construction”, Studies in Language 37.3, 2013, 566-598.
- “Existential constructions: a semasiological perspective”, in E. van Gelderen et al. (eds.), Argument Structure in flux: the Naples/Capri Papers, Amsterdam, Benjamins, 2013, 477-510.
- “Affix ordering and conversion: Looking for the place of zero”, Lingue e Linguaggio 12.2, 2013, 145-170.
- “Deutsche Komposita zwischen Syntax und Morphologie: Ein korpusbasierter Ansatz” (mit A. Zeldes), in L. Gaeta & B. Schlücker (eds.), Das Deutsche als kompositionsfreudige Sprache: Strukturelle Eigenschaften und systembezogene Aspekte, Berlin, de Gruyter, 2012, 197-217.
- “On the viability of cognitive morphology for explaining language change”, in A. Onysko & S. Michel (ed.), Word Formation from Cognitive Perspectives, Berlin, Mouton de Gruyter, 2010, 75-95.
- “The Invisible Hand of Grammaticalization: West-Germanic Substitutive Infinitive and the Prefix ge-”, in W. U. Dressler et al. (eds.), Variation and Change in Morphology, Amsterdam, Benjamins, 2010, 89-105.
- “Polysynthese, Multifunktionalität und die denominalen Adjektive im Deutschen”, in D. Bittner & L. Gaeta (eds.), Kodierungstechniken im Wandel, Berlin, de Gruyter, 2010, 99-121.