PhD Rosy Singh
Geb. 1966, Lecturer, Delhi, Indien - Literatur (Lehrgebiet)
Delhi - Dept. of Germanic and Romance Studies - University of Delhi - Faculty of Arts Building - Delhi - 110007
Besondere Forschungsgebiete Ich interessiere mich für literarische Texte, vor allem europäische Literatur.
- Published Works:Books 1)Semiotics of Love, Life and Death in Rilke, Kafka and Manto. Harman Publishing House, New Delhi, 2001, pp 280
- Rilke, Tagore and Gibran. A Comparative Study. Indian Institute of Advanced Study, Shimla, 2002, pp 48
Aufsätze und Beiträge
- 1)Franz Kafka:Judaism and Jewishness in Sprachkunst,Jg.XXXIV, 2.Halbband,Kommission für Literaturwissenschaft,Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften,Wien,2003,pp 233-47
- Kafka and Mythology. Transformation of Myths and Folklore in the New Millenium, A Festschrift to Rama Raju,New Delhi,2004,pp 118-27.Also published in 'Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences',Indian Instt.of Adv.Studies,Shimla,2004,pp75-92
- Franz Kafka:Mytholoy in Bureaucratic Modernity.(forthcoming in Germinal,Delhi Univ.)
- Signification in Shah Hussain in Signification in Langg. and Culture,ed. H.S.Gill,Indian Instt. of Adv. Studies,Shimla,2002,pp 451-78
- Milan Kundera and the Metapher of Forgetting in 'Germinal',Journal of Deptt. of GRS,Delhi Univ.,Delhi,2000,pp 51-67