Deutsche (insb. deutsch-jüdische) Literatur des 20. Jahrhunderts
Deutsch-irische kulturelle Beziehungen
Deutsche und deutsch-jüdische Geschichte seit 1945
Irisch-jüdische Literatur und Geschichte
Nationale Identitäten in Irland und Großbritannien
Germans and Jews since the Holocaust (Basingstoke 2015)
Julius Pokorny, 1887-1970: Germans, Celts and Nationalism (Dublin 2004)
Germany since 1945 (Basingstoke 2004)
(mit Michael Schmidt) Assessment in Modern Languages: Getting It Right (Coleraine 2001)
The Portrayal of Jews in GDR Prose Fiction (Amsterdam 1997)
Aufsätze und Beiträge
Shades of Red in the GDR: On the Identities of Jewish Communist Exiles after 1945, Oxford German Studies, 52:3 (2023), 307-19
Germanistik an der University of Ulster, Irish-German Studies, 16 (2023), 135-45
German at the Northern Irish Universities, Irish-German Studies, 15 (2022), 39-43
Post-Brexit Identity in Northern Ireland, in Per Scribendum, Sumus. Ethnopoesis, or Writing Heritage. A Cèilidh for Mairéad Nic Craith, ed. Ullrich Kockel, Philip McDermott and Liam Campbell (Berlin, Münster: LIT-Verlag, 2020), 39-50
Der Brexit, Irland und Deutschland, Merkur 815 (2017)
Shades of Gray: The Beginnings of the Postwar Moral Compromise in Joseph Kanon’s The Good German, in The ‘Good German’ in Literature and Culture after 1945: Altruism and Moral Ambiguity, Hg. Pól Ó Dochartaigh und Christiane Schönfeld (Rochester, NY 2013)
"A shadowy but important figure": Rudolf Thomas Siegfried, in: The Tripartite Life of Whitley Stokes (1830-1909), Hg. Elizabeth Boyle und Paul Russell (Dublin 2011)
“Ostpolitik, Nordpolitik”: Partition and National Identity in Germany and Ireland, German Life and Letters, 63/3 (2010)
Günter Grass’s Im Krebsgang as a German Memory Contest Without Jews, German Life and Letters, 63/2 (2010)
Philo-Zionism as a German Political Code: Germany and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict since 1987, Debatte. Journal of Contemporary Central and Eastern Europe, 15 (2007)
Americanizing the Holocaust: The Case of Jacob the Liar, The Modern Language Review, 101 (2006)
Intimacy and Alienation: Yiddish in the Works of Jurek Becker, in: The Yiddish Presence in European Literature, ed. Joseph Sherman and Ritchie Robertson (London, 2005)
The Present Sense of an Historical Novel: Feuchtwanger's Waffen für Amerika, in Refuge and Reality, ed. Ó Dochartaigh and Stephan (Amsterdam/New York, 2005)
Ein unbekannter Brief Kuno Meyers aus dem Pokorny-Nachlaß in Freiburg/Schweiz, Zeitschrift für celtische Philologie, 54 (2004)
Nazi Historiography and the Partition of Ireland, Irish-German Studies, 1 (2004)
Julius Pokorny, Ludwig Mühlhausen agus an Naitsíochas: An Idé-eolaíocht agus an Léann Ceilteach in Ollscoil Bheirlín, 1933-1945, in Taighde agus Teagasc, 3 (2003), 64-80