Monographien Transformation and Education in the Literature of the GDR. Rochester, NY: Camden House, 2020.
Aufsätze und Beiträge
"Capturing the Zeitgeist: On Human Experience and Personal Historiography in Helga Königsdorf’s 1989 oder Ein Moment Schönheit”. In D. Byrnes, J.E. Conacher & G. Holfter) (2018) German Reunification and the Legacy of GDR Literature and Culture. Leiden/Boston: Brill, 69–88.
"Adapting Hein’s Willenbrock: Andreas Dresen and the legacy of the GDR ‘ensemble’ tradition”. In: B. Cronin, R. MagShamhráin & N. Preuschoff (eds) (2020) Adaptation as a Collaborative Art, Process and Practice. London: Palgrave Macmillan
"Women at work: Reflections on Social Identity and the Private Self in 'Die Polizistin' (2000), 'Willenbrock' (2005) and 'Steigerlied' (2013)" in JE Preece & N. Hodgin (eds) (2017) Andreas Dresen. Oxford: Peter Lang, 147-168
"Transformation and Education in GDR Youth Literature: A Script Theory Approach". International Research in Children's Literature, (2016) 9 (1):65-82
'Language as gate-keeper of quality? Exploring Austria's English-only policy for national research funding' in: CW Earls (ed) (2016) Multilingualism and English in Twenty-First-Century Europe. Bern: Peter Lang, 161-192
(with H. Kelly-Holmes), ‘Contact, community and continuity: The case of German speakers in mid-west Ireland’ in Ch. Fäcke (ed) (2009) Sprachbegegnung und Sprachkontakt in europäischer Dimension, Frankfurt/Main, Peter Lang.
,Home Thoughts on Abroad’: Zur Identität und Integration irischer ERASMUS- StudentInnen in Deutschland, GFL-Journal 2008, 2: 1-20.
‘'Die Sehnsucht nach Zugehörigkeit': An Exploration of Heimat in the Essays and Short Stories of Helga Königsdorf’ in R Rechtien and K von Oppen (eds) (2007) Local/Global Narratives. Amsterdam, Rodopi: 99-119.
(with S. Murphy), 'Laying good foundations: the language resource centre as meeting-place of policy, pedagogical theory and practice' in A. Chambers, J.E. Conacher and J.M. Littlemore (eds ) (2004) ICT and Language Learning: Integrating Pedagogy and Practice. Birmingham, Birmingham University Press: 49-78.