Dr. Paul Cooke
Geb. 1969, Professor seit 2007, Leeds, Großbritannien/Nordirland
Medienwissenschaft - German Studies (Fachgebiet) - German Studies Film Studies, World Cinemas, Digital Cultures (Lehrgebiet)
University of Leeds - Leeds LS2 9JT
Monographien •Speaking the Taboo: a study of the work of Wolfgang Hilbig, 247 pp., Amsterdam/Atlanta, Rodopi, 2000. •The Pocket Essential to German Expressionist Film, 96 pp., London, Pocket Essential Press, 2002. •Representing East Germany: From Colonization to Nostalgia, pp. 236., Oxford, Berg, 2005. •Contemporary German Cinema, pp. 286, Manchester, MUP, 2012
Aufsätze und Beiträge Book Chapters •'Aufarbeitung oder Ästhetisierung? Die Stasi-Vergangenheit in der Literatur: Wolfgang Hilbigs »Ich«, Heiner Timmermann (ed.), Die DDR- Politik und Ideologie als Instrument, pp. 859-871, Berlin: Dunker & Humblot, 1999. •'Countering "Realitätsverlust": Wolfgang Hilbig and the Postmodern Condition', Ronald Speirs (ed.), The Writers' Morality: Festschrift for Michael Butler, pp. 121-142, Oxford, Peter Lang, 2000. •'From Opfer to Täter? Identity and the Stasi in Post-Wende East German Literature', Martin Kane (ed.), Legacies and identity: East and West German literary responses to unification, pp. 51- 66, Oxford, Peter Lang, 2002. •'Literature and the Question of East German Cultural Identity since the Wende', Paul Cooke and Jonathan Grix (eds.), East German Distinctiveness in a unified Germany, pp. 151-167, Birmingham, University of Birmingham Press, 2002. •'German Cultural Studies', Jonathan Grix (ed.), Approaches to the Study of Contemporary Germany, pp. 78-112, Birmingham, University of Birmingham Press, 2002. •'The Stasi as Panopticon: Wolfgang Hilbig's »Ich«', Paul Cooke and Andrew Plowman (eds.), German Writers and the Politics of Culture: Dealing with the Stasi pp. 139- 153, Basingstoke, Palgrave, 2003. •'East German Writing in the Age of Globalisation', Stuart Taberner (ed.), Literature and Globalisation, pp. Birmingham, University of Birmingham Press, 2004. •with Christopher Young, 'Selling Sex or Dealing with History? German football in literature and film and the quest to normalize the nation Selling Sex or Dealing with History? German football in literature and film and the quest to normalize the nation', Alan Tomlinson, Christopher Young (eds), German Football: History, Culture, Society , pp. 181-203, London , Routledge, 2005. •'German Neo-noir Film', Andrew Spicer (ed.), European Film Noir , pp. 164-184, Manchester, MUP, 2006. •'The Continually Suffering Nation? Cinematic Representations of German Victimhood', Bill Niven, (ed.), pp. 76-92, Basingstoke , Palgrave, 2006. •'Abnormal Consensus The New Internationalism of German Cinema',in German Culture, Politics, and Literature into the Twenty-First Century , pp. 223-237. •with Stuart Taberner, 'Introduction', in German Culture, Politics, and Literature into the Twenty-First Century , pp. 1-17. •'From Caligari to Edward Scissorhands: the continuing metacinematic journey of German Expressionism', in Dialogues with Hollywood, pp. 17-34. •'Introduction: World Cinema's "Dialogues" with Hollywood, in Dialogues with Hollywood, pp. 1-16. •'From Dr Seltsam to Lieutenant Surf: The Berlin " Vorlesebuhnen" and Contemporary German Literature', Julian Preece, Frank Finlay and Ruth J. Owen (eds), New German Literature: Life-Writing and Dialogue within the Arts, vol 1, pp. 161-181, Bern, Peter Lang, 2007. •'"GDR Literature" in the Berlin Republic', Stuart Taberner (ed.), Contemporary German Fiction: Writing in the Berlin Republic, pp. 56-71, Cambridge, CUP, 2007. •'The Limits of Consensual Filmmaking? Representing National Socialism on the Screen and German 'Normalisation', in Aesthetics and Politics in Modern German Culture, ed. By Brigid Haines, Stephen Parker and Colin Riordan, pp. 65-77, London, Peter Lang, 2010. •with Marc Silberman, 'German Suffering?', in Screening War: Perspectives on German Suffering, ed. By Paul Cooke and Marc Sliberman, pp. 1-16, Rochester, Camden House, 2010. •with Chris Homewood, 'Beyond the Cinema of Consensus? New Directions in German Cinema since 2000', in New Directions in German Cinema, ed. by Paul Cooke and Chris Homewood, London, I.B. Tauris, 2011, pp. 1-20. •'Watching the Stasi: authenticity, Ostalgie and history in Florian Henckel von Donnersmarck's The Lives of Others (2006)', , in New Directions in German Cinema, ed. by Paul Cooke and Chris Homewood, London, I.B. Tauris, 2011, pp. 111-127. Journal Articles •with Nicholas Hubble, 'Die volkseigene Opposition? The State, the Stasi and the Alternative Culture in the GDR', German Politics, 6/2, 117-138, 1997. •'"Das schreiende Amt": the "Bourgeois" Tradition and the Problem of "Objectivity" in Wolfgang Hilbig's abwesenheit', German Life and Letters, 53, 261-278, 2000. •'Continuity and Taboo: Sexual Repression and Vergangenheitsbewältigung in Wolfgang Hilbig's Die Weiber', East Germany - Continuity and Change: German Monitor, 46, 1-14, 2000. •'The Krimi and the Criminal State: Wolfgang Hilbig's Eine Übertragung', Modern Languages Review, 96, 1029-1041, 2001. •'Performing Ostalgie: Leander Haußmann's Sonnenallee', German Life and Letters, 56, 156-167, 2003. •'Beyond a Trotzidentität? Storytelling and the Postcolonial Voice in Ingo Schulze's Simple Storys', Forum for Modern Language Studies, 39, 290-305, 2003. •'Escaping the burden of the past: Questions of East German Identity in the Work of Ingo Schramm', Seminar, 27, 33-44, 2003. •Paul Cooke, 'Ostdeutsche kulturelle Identität und der Cyberspace', Berliner Debatte Initial, 1 15-26, 2003 •'Whatever happened to Veron