Geb. 1935, Professor - Emeritiert / im Ruhestand seit 2000, Birmingham, Großbritannien/Nordirland
German Studies (Fachgebiet)
- 19th/20th-century German literature, culture and society; German philosophy; contemporary German history and political culture. (Lehrgebiet)
University of Birmingham - Dep. of German Studies, Centre for European Languages and Cultures, School of Humanities - Edgbaston, Birmingham B15 2TT
Institute for German Studies, University of Birmingham - Edgbaston, Birmingham B15 2TT
Andere dienstliche Anschrift Institute for German Studies, University of Birmingham - Edgbaston, Birmingham B15 2TT
Pikaro heute. Metamorphosen des Schelms bei Thomas Mann, Doeblin, Brecht, Grass; Stuttgart, 1967
The German Novel and the Affluent Society (with R. Hinton Thomas), Manchester, 1968
Der deutsche Roman und die Wohlstandsgesellschaft, Stuttgart, 1969
Arbeiterkulturbewegung in der Weimarer Republik. Historisch-theoretische Analyse der kulturellen Bestrebungen der sozialdemokratisch orientierten Arbeiterschaft (with Rob Burns), Berlin, 1982
Protest and Democracy in West Germany. Extra-Parliamentary Opposition and the Democratic Agenda (with Rob Burns), London, 1988
Aufsätze und Beiträge
‘The language laboratory in advanced language teaching: gimmick or challenge?’, in Innovations and Experiments in University Teaching Methods, University of London Institute of Education, London, 1968, pp.57-63
‘Name, Semeion,Energeia. Notes on the Permutations of Language Theories’, in Essays in German Language, Culture and Society (eds.Siegbert S. Prawer, R.Hinton Thomas, Leonard Forster), Institute for Germanic Studies, London, 1969, pp. 211-230
‘Protest in Western Germany’ (with Eva Weller), in Student Power (ed. Julian Nagel), Merlin Press, London, 1969, pp. 45-58
‘Methoden und Forschungsprojekte im Bereich Literatursoziologie und Medienwissenschaft in Groβbritannien’, in Jahrbuch für Internationale Germanistik, Jg. IX, Heft 2, Bern 1977, pp.27-45
'The Nature of Dissidence in the GDR', in The GDR in the 1980s (ed. Ian Wallace), Dundee, 1984, pp.31-43
‘The politics of cultural struggle: intellectuals and the Labour movement’ (with Rob Burns), in The Weimar Dilemma. Intellectuals in the Weimar Republic (ed.Anthony Phelan) Manchester University Press, Manchester, 1985, pp.162-201
‘Die literarische Intelligenz und der Staat’, in Subjektivität – Innerlichkeit – Abkehr vom Politischen? Tendenzen der deutschsprachigen Literatur der 70er Jahre DAAD Dokumentation & Materialien, Bonn, 1986, pp.1-18
‘The German Intelligentsia and the Anti- Authoritarian Movement’, in Contemporary German Studies, Occasional Papers 2, University of Strathclyde, 1986, pp.34-53
‘Some Observations on the Language of Advertising in West Germany’, in The German Language between Yesterday and Tomorrow (ed. Eva Kolinsky), Department of Modern Languages, Aston, 1987, pp. 29-37
‘Nietzsche in America: Fashion and Fascination’, in History of European Ideas, Pergamon Press, Oxford, vol.11, 1989, pp.1015-1023
'Aesthetics and National Socialism' (with Brandon Taylor), in The Nazification of Art (ed.Brandon Taylor and Wilfried van der Will, Winchester, 1990, pp. 1-13
'The Body and the Body Politic as Symptom and Metaphor in the Transition of German Culture to National Socialism' in The Nazification of Art (ed.Brandon Taylor and Wilfried van der Will, Winchester, 1990, pp. 14-52