Martha Maria WÖRSCHING
Geb. 1944, Loughborough, Großbritannien/Nordirland
German Studies (Fachgebiet) - German language, post-war German economy and society; German and European media; Gender studies; Cultural studies (Lehrgebiet)
Loughborough University - Dept. of Politics, History and International, Relations, Loughborough University - University, Leics, LE11 3TU
Besondere Forschungsgebiete German and European media; Advertising and gender; Cultural studies; Gender studies
Aufsätze und Beiträge Rückwärtsgewandte Utopie - Sozialpsychologische Anmerkungen zu Joseph Roths Roman Radetzkymarsch, in Joseph Roth - Text und Kritik (ed. H.L. Arnold) (1974; reprint 1987). The Media and Society in East and West Germany, in European Insights (ed. A. Brassloff et al.) (1991). Unification and the GDR Media, in Studies in European Culture (ed. M. Cornick) (1992). The East German Media and Unification (Debatte, 1993). Für Dich and the Wende, in Women and the Wende (ed. E. Boa et al.) (1995). Women in Eastern and Western Europe (JAS, 1995). Misogyny and the Myth of Masculinity in Joseph Roth's Radetzkymarsch, in Gender and Politics in Austrian Fiction (ed. R. Robertson et al.) (1996).