Logo Germanistenverzeichnis

Charles Victor Jolyon RUSS

Geb. 1942, York, Großbritannien/Nordirland

Sprachwissenschaft (Fachgebiet) - Structure and history of the German language; Germanic linguistics; Historical linguistics and dialectology; Practical German classes (Lehrgebiet)


University of York - Department of Language and Linguistic Science, University of York - Heslington, York YO10 5DD


Besondere Forschungsgebiete History of German and German dialects

Monographien Historical German phonology and morphology (1978). Studies in Historical German Phonology (1982). The German Language Today (1994).

Aufsätze und Beiträge Die Ausnahmen zur Dehnung der mhd. Kurzvokale in offener Silbe (ZDL, 1969). Umlaut in German: the development of a phonological rule (YPL, 1975). The data of historical linguistics: sources for the reconstruction of pronunciation from written records (YPL, 1976). Die Vokallänge im Deutschen (Akten des V. Internationalen Germanisten-Kongresses, 1976). Die Entwicklung des Umlauts im Spiegel verschiedener linguistischer Theorien (PBB [T], 1977). The morphological features of the verb in Luxemburgish (ZDL, 1978). Kausalität und Lautwandel (LB, 1978). Recent developments in historical phonology (NGS, 1978). Putting the dynamic into sound change (LBer, 1978). The development of the NHG allophonic variation [x-ç] (Semasia, 1978). Konservatismus und Innovation in der Mundart von Bosco Gurin (Akten des VI. Internationalen Germanisten-Kongresses, 1980). A century of sound changes without exceptions (YPL, 1980). A hundred years of Duden Rechtschreibung (NGS, 1980). Gemeinsame Entwicklungen im Deutschen und Englischen (ZDL, 1981). Parallel developments in English and German, in Contrastive Aspects of English and German (ed. C.V.J. Russ) (1981). The Swiss German dialect of Bosco Gurin (TPS, 1981). The grammatical conditioning of sound changes (LB, 1982). Da + preposition in historical German syntax (GLL, 1982). Die Vereinfachung der Nominalflexion im Englischen und Jütisch-Dänischen. Ein Fall der gegenseitigen Beeinflussung? (Orbis, 1982). Martin Luther and the development of the German language (NGS, 1984). The foreign element in German derivational morphology: the adjectival suffixes, in Foreign Influences on German: Past and Present (ed. C.V.J. Russ) (1984). The German Language (YWMLS, 1984-97). The integration of foreign suffixes: a synchronic and diachronic study, exemplified by the adjectival suffixes -abel/-ibel, -al/-ell, -ant/-ent, ?ar/-är, -iv and -o/-os (Quinquereme, 1986). Breaking the spelling barrier, in New Trends in Graphemics and Orthography (ed. G. Augst) (1986). Die Verben auf -u in der Mundart von Bosco Gurin und die ahd. -on Verben, in Althochdeutsch (ed. R. Bergmann et al.) (1987). Language and Society in German Switzerland. Multilingualism, Diglossia and Variation, in Sprache und Gesellschaft in deutschsprachigen Ländern (ed. C.V.J. Russ et al.) (1987). Die Pluralbildung im Deutschen (ZGL, 1989). The norms of German and their metamorphosis, in The Federal Republic of Germany. The end of an era (ed. E. Kolinsky) (1991). Internationale Einwohnernamen und ihre Bildung im Deutschen (BNF, 1991). Die sprachlichen Verhältnisse in Bosco Gurin (Akten des VIII. Kongresses der IVG, Tokyo 1990, 1991). English in contact with other languages: English loans in German after 1945 (YPL, 1992). Variation im Deutschen: die Perspektive der Auslandsgermanistik (Der Deutschunterricht, 1992). Informal sources in the history of English and German, in Who Climbs the Grammar-Tree: Leaves for David Reibel (ed. R. Tracy) (1992). Normalization in Action: the Duden and the German Language, in 'Das unsichtbare Band der Sprache' (ed. J.L. Flood et al.) (1993). Contrastive vocabulary: The sources of the language of linguistics, in Fremdsprachen Lehren und Lernen (1995). Explanation of sound change. How far have we come and where are we now? (YPL, 1996). Lëtzebuergesch: A linguistic description, in Language and Communication at the Crossroads of Europe. The Luxembourg Example (ed. G. Newton) (1996). Umlaut in Frisian and the Germanic languages: some thoughts on its genesis and development, in A Frisian and Germanic Miscellany (ed. H. Nielsen) (1996).


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