Dr. Duncan Andrew Guy LARGE

Geb. 1965, Professor seit 2014, Norwich, Großbritannien/Nordirland
Neuere deutsche Literaturwissenschaft - German Studies - Anderes Fachgebiet (siehe Forschungsgebiete) (Fachgebiet) - Translation studies, European literature, English literature, German thought. (Lehrgebiet)
British Centre for Literary Translation, University of East Anglia - Norwich NR4 7JT
Andere dienstliche Anschrift British Centre for Literary Translation, University of East Anglia - Norwich NR4 7JT
- #Romantik
- #Jahrhundertwende, Expressionismus, Neue Sachlichkeit
- #Komparatistische Literaturforschung
- #Translationswissenschaft/Dolmetschwissenschaft
Besondere Forschungsgebiete
- Historical translation theory
- Anglo-German literary relations
- History of thought in the German-speaking world
- Austrian modernist literature
- German Romantic literature
- Literature and science.
- Nietzsche and Proust: A Comparative Study (Oxford 2001)
- Nietzsches Renaissance-Gestalten. Shakespeare, Kopernikus, Luther (Weimar 2009).
Aufsätze und Beiträge
- 'Geschaffene Menschen': The Necessity of the Literary Self in Nietzsche, Musil and Proust (Neohelicon, 1990)
- On the Use of the Negative in Der Mann ohne Eigenschaften (Musil-Forum, 1991)
- Proust on Nietzsche: The Question of Friendship (MLR, 1993)
- Experimenting with Experience: Robert Musil, Der Mann ohne Eigenschaften, in Beyond Realism: The German Novel in the 20th Century (ed. D. Midgley) (1993)
- Studied Indifference: A Modernist Topos in Nietzsche, Proust and Musil (New Comparison, 1993)
- Translator's Introduction, in S. Kofman, Nietzsche and Metaphor (1993)
- Sarah Kofmann: A Complete Bibliography, 1963-1993 (ibid.)
- On 'Untimeliness': Temporal Structures in Nietzsche; or, 'The Day After Tomorrow Belongs to Me' (Journal of Nietzsche Studies, 1994)
- Bibliography, in Peter Schneider (ed. C. Riordan) (1995)
- Nietzsche and the Figure of Columbus (Nietzsche-Studien, 1995)
- Double 'Whaam!': Sarah Kofman on Ecce Homo (GLL, 1995)
- 'The Freest Writer': Nietzsche on Sterne (The Shandean, 1995)
- Recent Studies of Musil (Austrian Studies, 1996)
- Nietzsche and the Figure of Copernicus: Grande Fantaisie on Polish Airs (New Readings, 1996)
- Nietzsche’s Helmbrecht; or, How to Philosophise with a Ploughshare (Journal of Nietzsche Studies, 1997)
- Hermès contre Dionysos (Serres et Nietzsche) (Horizons philosophiques, 1997)
- Chemical Solutions: Scientific Paradigms in Nietzsche and Proust, in The Third Culture: Literature and Science (ed. E. Shaffer) (1998)
- Kofman’s Hoffmann, in Enigmas: Essays on Sarah Kofman (ed. P. Deutscher & K. Oliver) (1999)
- Hermes contra Dionysus: Michel Serres’s Critique of Nietzsche, in Nietzsche and the Sciences, II (ed. B.E. Babich & R.S. Cohen) (1999)
- Nietzsche’s Shakespearean Figures, in Why Nietzsche Still? (ed. A.D. Schrift) (2000)
- The Aristocratic Radical and the White Revolutionary: Nietzsche’s Bismarck, in Das schwierige neunzehnte Jahrhundert (ed. J. Barkhoff, G. Carr & R. Paulin) (2000)
- Goethe, Sterne and the Question of Plagiarism, in Goethe at 250 (ed. T. J. Reed, M. Swales & J. Adler) (2000)
- ‘Our Greatest Teacher’: Nietzsche, Burckhardt, and the Concept of Culture (International Studies in Philosophy, 2000)
- ‘Nosso Maior Mestre’: Nietzsche, Burckhardt e o conceito de cultura (Cadernos Nietzsche, 2000)
- Epiphany in German Literature and Music (New Comparison, 2001)
- Nietzsche’s Use of Biblical Language (Journal of Nietzsche Studies, 2001)
- ‘Der Bauernaufstand des Geistes‘: Nietzsche, Luther and the Reformation, in Nietzsche and the German Tradition (ed. N. Martin) (2003)
- ‘Zerfall der Werte’: Nietzsche, Broch, Nihilism, in Ecce Opus. Nietzsche-Revisionen im 20. Jahrhundert (ed. R. Görner & D. Large) (2003)
- Derived Lives, Received Opinions: Parodic Plagiarism in Sterne and Hoffmann (New Comparison, 2003)
- ‘Sterne-Bilder’: Sterne in the German-Speaking World, in The Reception of Laurence Sterne in Europe (ed. P. de Voogd & J. Neubauer) (2004)
- Nietzsche’s Conceptual Chemistry, in Nietzsche and Science (ed. G. Moore & T. H. Brobjer) (2004)
- Nietzsche’s ‘Deaf Spot’: The Music of the Renaissance in Italy, in Bejahende Erkenntnis (ed. K.F. Hilliard, R. Ockenden & N.F. Palmer) (2004)
- Frets about Plagiary: Changing Attitudes towards Plagiarism in Late Eighteenth- and Early Nineteenth-Century German Literature (PEGS, 2004)
- Wolf Man, Overman: ‘Nachträglichkeit’ in Freud and Nietzsche (New Nietzsche Studies, 2005-6)