Dr. Tom KUHN
Geb. 1957, Professor - Lecturer: Fellow seit 1990, Oxford, Großbritannien/Nordirland
Neuere deutsche Literaturwissenschaft (Fachgebiet) - C18-20 German literature (Lehrgebiet)
University of Oxford - Faculty of Modern Languages, University of Oxford - 47 Wellington Square, Oxford OX1 2JF
St Hugh's College
Andere dienstliche Anschrift St Hugh's College
- #Historische Kulturwissenschaft
- #Literatur im 20./21. Jahrhundert, Exilliteratur, Literatur seit 1945
- #Dramentheorie
- #Editionen und Editionsphilologie
- #Produktions-, Rezeptions-, Wirkungsforschung
- #Literatur und andere Künste
- #Poetik und Ästhetik
- #Theaterwissenschaft, Theatergeschichte, Theatertheorie
- #Translationswissenschaft/Dolmetschwissenschaft
Besondere Forschungsgebiete
- Drama of the 1920s and 1930s
- Exile
- #Brecht
- Drama since 1960
Aufsätze und Beiträge
- ‘“Auf der Flucht“: the motif of flight in the works of Brecht‘, in Festschrift for R.N.N. Robertson (2022)
- 'Brecht and photography’, in: Bertolt Brecht in Context, ed. Stephen Brockmann (2020)
- ‘Gedichte – Fragmente’, and other contributions, in Brecht und das Fragment, ed. Astrid Oesmann and Matthias Rothe (2020)
- ‘Brecht’s Poems in English: the old and the new’, German Life & Letters 67:1 (January 2014)
- ‘Brecht reads Bruegel: Verfremdung, gestic realism and the second phase of Brechtian theory’, Monatshefte 2012
- ‘Das Epische und das Nomadische: das Bildmaterial zum Kaukasischen Kreidekreis’, in Bild und Bildkünste bei Brecht [Brecht-Tage 2010], ed. Christian Hippe (Berlin: Matthes und Seitz 2011), pp. 99-124
- ‘Poetry and Photography: Mastering Reality in the Kriegsfibel’, in Bertolt Brecht: A Reassessment of his Work and Legacy, ed. Robert Gillett and Godela Weiss-Sussex (Amsterdam: Rodopi 2008), pp. 169-189
- 'Three models of the poem–picture relationship in the work of Bertolt Brecht’, in The Text and its Context: Studies in Modern German Literature and Society presented to Ronald Speirs on the Occasion of his 65th Birthday, ed. Nigel Harris and Joanne Sayner (Oxford etc: Peter Lang 2008), pp. 133-151
- ‘Beyond death: Brecht’s Kriegsfibel and the uses of tradition’, The Brecht Yearbook 32, ed. Stephen Brockmann (Madison WI: University of Wisconsin Press 2007), pp.66-90
- '"Was besagt eine Fotografie?" Early Brechtian Perspectives on Photography', The Brecht Yearbook 31 (2006), 261-283
- 'Four new Herr Keuner stories and a short reflection on the constitution’, translated and introduced, Modern Poetry in Translation, New Series No.22 (2006), pp. 33-37
- '"Unsichere Gesellen": Crossing borders with Heine and Brecht', in Bejahende Erkenntnis. Festschrift für T.J. Reed, edited by Kevin F. Hilliard, Ray Ockenden and Nigel F. Palmer (Tübingen: Max Niemeyer 2004), pp.193-207
- 'Brecht and Willett: Getting the gest', The Brecht Yearbook 28, ed. Stephen Brockmann (Madison WI: University of Wisconsin Press 2003), pp.261-273
- with David Constantine, 'Brecht at the BBC', Modern Poetry in Translation, New Series No.22 (2003), pp.100-03
- 'Brecht als Lyriker', in: Brecht-Handbuch: Gedichte, ed. Jan Knopf (Stuttgart: Metzler, 2002), 1-21
- '“Auch für Fremde vorteilhaft”: Brecht’s lyric poetry’. In Bertolt Brecht: Critical Approaches ed. Nadia Valavani (Athens: STACHI Publications 2002), pp.271-312
- 'Visit to a banished poet: Brecht's Svendborg Poems and the voices of exile', in: Brecht's Poetry of Political Exile, ed. Ronald Speirs (Cambridge: CUP 2000), 47-65