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Stephen Roy GILES

Geb. 1950, Nottingham, Großbritannien/Nordirland

Neuere deutsche Literaturwissenschaft - Sprachwissenschaft - German Studies (Fachgebiet) - German language; German literature and thought since 1770; Political theatre; Critical theory (Lehrgebiet)


University of Nottingham - Department of Modern Languages & Cultures, The University of Nottingham - University Park, Nottingham NG8 2RD


Besondere Forschungsgebiete Critical theory; Modernism; Drama; Brecht

Monographien The Problem of Action in Modern European Drama (1981). Bertolt Brecht and Critical Theory: Marxism, Modernity, the 'Threepenny' Lawsuit (1997).

Aufsätze und Beiträge Delimited by Discourse: Some Problems with the New Critical Practice (ReMS, 1983). Narrative Transmission in Die verlorene Ehre der Katharina Blum (ML,1984). Szondi's Theory of Modern Drama (BJA, 1987). Against Interpretation? Recent Trends in Marxist Criticism (BJA, 1988). Marxism and Form: D.H.Lawrence's St Mawr, in Literary Theory at Work (ed. D. Tallack) (1987). The Anxiety of Influence: Tankred Dorst's Deutsche Stücke, in A Radical Stage.Theatre in Germany in the 1970s and 1980s (ed. W.G. Sebald) (1988). Rewriting Brecht: Die Dreigroschenoper 1928-1931 (LJb, 1989). From Althusser to Brecht: Formalism, Materialism and the Threepenny Opera, in New Ways in Germanistik (ed. R Sheppard) (1990). Poststructuralist Brecht? Representation and Subjectivity in Der Dreigroschenprozeß (Brecht Yearbook, 1992). Avant-garde, Modernism, Modernity: A Theoretical Overview, in Theorizing Modernism (ed. S. Giles) (1993). The Irredeemability of Change: Action and Structure in the Late Plays of Anton Chekhov, in Redirections in Critical Theory (ed. B. McGuirk) (1994). Bertolt Brecht, Logical Empiricism, and Social Behaviourism (MLR, 1995). Sociological Aesthetics as a Challenge to Literary Theory: Reappraising Mukarovsky (New Comparison, 1995). Marxist Aesthetics and Cultural Modernity in Der Dreigroschenprozeß, in Bertolt Brecht: Centenary Essays (ed. S. Giles et al.) (1998*).


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