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Stephen PARKER

Geb. 1955, Manchester, Großbritannien/Nordirland

Neuere deutsche Literaturwissenschaft - Sprachwissenschaft - German Studies (Fachgebiet) - German language and modern German literature (Lehrgebiet)


University of Manchester - Department of German, University of Manchester - Oxford Road, Manchester M13 9PL


Besondere Forschungsgebiete Literature and cultural politics in the Third Reich and the GDR, esp. Peter Huchel and Sinn und Form.

Monographien Peter Huchel: a literary life in twentieth-century Germany (1997*).

Aufsätze und Beiträge Collected - Recollected - Uncollected? Peter Huchel's Gesammelte Werke (GLL, 1986). Visions, Revisions and Divisions: The Critical Legacy of Peter Huchel (ibid., 1988). West and East Germany, in Literature of Europe and America in the 1960s (ed. S. Pearce et al.) (1989). The Outsider as Insider: Peter Huchel in the SBZ (IASL, 1990). The Peter Huchel Collection of German Literature in the John Rylands University Library of Manchester (BJRUL, 1990). Peter Huchel als Propagandist: Huchels 1940 entstandene Adaption von George Bernard Shaws 'Die Greuel von Denshawai' (Rundfunk und Fernsehen, 1991). Poetry and Politics: Peter Huchel in Berlin literary life from the mid-twenties to the mid-fifties (GMon, 1992). Recent Additions to the Peter Huchel Collection in the John Rylands University Library of Manchester (BJRUL, 1992). Peter Huchel and Sinn und Form: The German Academy of Arts and the Issue of German Cultural Unity, in German Writers and the Cold War, 1945-61 (ed. S. Parker et al.) (1992). Peter Huchel und Sinn und Form: Die Ostberliner Akademie der Künste und das Problem der einheitlichen deutschen Kultur (Sinn und Form, 1992). Peter Huchel et Sinn und Form (1949-1962) (La Revue des revues, 1993). 'Ein hoffnungsvoller Vertreter der Funkdichtung': Peter Huchel's radio work in Nazi Germany, in Exiles (ed. I. Wallace) (1994). Sinn und Form, Peter Huchel und der 17. Juni: Bertolt Brechts Rettungsaktion (Sinn und Form, 1994). On Peter Huchel's Adaptation of Shaw's 'Denshawai Horror' and Related Matters (N, 1995). Re-establishing an all-German identity: Sinn und Form and German Unification, in Literature and Society in Germany since 1989 (ed. O. Durrani et al.) (1995). The disloyalty of a loyal comrade: Wilhelm Girnus' conflict with the SED leadership over Unvollendete Geschichte, in Volker Braun (ed. R. Jucker) (1995). (with P. Davies) Brecht, SED cultural policy and the issue of authority in the arts: the struggle for control of the Deutsche Akademie der Künste (1998*).


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