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Geb. 1947, Loughborough, Großbritannien/Nordirland

Sprachwissenschaft - German Studies (Fachgebiet) - Modern German history; Political economy of Germany after 1945; German government; German language (Lehrgebiet)


Loughborough University - Dept. of Politics, History and International, Relations, Loughborough University - University, Leics, LE11 3TU


Besondere Forschungsgebiete Modern German history; Political economy of Germany after 1945; German government; German language

Monographien The Political Economy of West Germany 1945-1985 (1988).

Aufsätze und Beiträge Nietzsche and the Dialectics of Nihilism (NGS, 1981). Ferdinand Lassalle's 'Workers' Programme' (Economy and Society 1985). Handlungsspielräume der Gemeinden in der Zwischenkriegszeit, in Stadterneuerung in der Weimarer Republik und im Nationalsozialismus (ed. C. Kopetzki et al.) (1987). Jürgen Habermas and the Historikerstreit in West Germany (Economy and Society 1988). The Gemeinden as agents of Fiscal and Social Policy in the Twentieth Century: Local government and State Form Crises in Germany, in State and Society in Germany 1870-1960 (ed. E Rosenhaft et al.) (1988). Continuity and Change: German Society in Transition to the New German States 1945-1955 (GH, 1988). The Paradox of West Germany's Political Economy in a Period of Critical Readjustment, in European Insights (ed. A. Brassloff et al.) (1991). Local Government Finances in West Germany: Centralisation of Control, Decentralisation of Responsibility, in Local Government Fiscal Policy in Britain, France and Germany (ed. Leaman) (1991). Wege und Irrwege der marxistischen Faschismusforschung (GH, 1992). Critical Perspectives of 1992 (JAS, 1992). The Bundesbank - Unelected Government of Germany and Europe (Debatte, 1993). The Rhetoric and Logic of the Wende - A Reply to Douglas Webber (German Politics, 1993). Die Diktatur der Bundesbank? (Blätter für deutsche und internationale Politik, 1993). Maastricht-Karlsruhe und zurück (ibid.). Regulatory Change and Privatisation in Germany, in Privatisation and Regulatory Change in Europe (ed. M. Moran et al.) (1994). (with D. Lauder) Regionalpolitik in Großbritannien - eine vergleichende Analyse mit besonderem Hinblick auf die Bundesrepublik Deutschland, in Die Politik der dritten Ebene. Regionen im Europa der Union (ed. U. Bullmann) (1994). Political economy and interdisciplinarity: Theoretical Scope and practical limitations for Area Studies (JAS, 1994). The Hegemony-Debate: United Germany and the Future of Europe (Debatte, 1994). The Treaty of Non-Aggression between Germany and the USSR, August 1939 - Old Myths, New Myths and Reinterpretations (GH, 1994). (with A. Hargreaves) Racism in Contemporary Western Europe: An Overview, in Racism, Ethnicity and Politics in Contemporary Europe (ed. A.G. Hargreaves et al.) (1995). Taxation and Taxation Policy in Germany since the Wende (Debatte, 1995). Central Banking and the Crisis of Social Democracy: A Comparison of British and German Views (German Politics, 1995); German Economic Unification - Five Years On (Debatte, 1995). Environmental Politics and Interdisciplinarity, in Towards Sustainability: Challenges to the Social Sciences and Local Democracy (ed. D. Eißel et al.) (1996). 1945 - 50 Years On (JAS, 1995). Renewed Growth Weaknesses of the German Economy (Debatte, 1996). Eingefleischter Wahnsinn (Blätter für deutsche und internationale Politik, 1996). Sick Pay Reform and Other Marginal Wage Costs: The New Challenge to Social Provision in Germany (Debatte, 1996). New Perspectives on Soviet-German Relations 1928-1945 (GH, 1996). The Local State as Agent of Fiscal and Social Policy in the Twentieth Century, in State, Social Policy and Social Change in Germany 1880-1994 (ed. R. Lee et al.) (1997).


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