Geb. 1940, London, Großbritannien/Nordirland
Didaktik - DaF - German Studies (Fachgebiet) - Socio-economic study of Germany; German and European industrial relations; Labour movement in Germany (Lehrgebiet)
South Bank University - Division of Modern Languages, South Bank University - 103 Borough Road, London SE1 0AA
Besondere Forschungsgebiete German industrial relations; Area studies and language teaching
Monographien Trade union representatives in West Germany (1978).
Aufsätze und Beiträge The metamorphosis of the German worker (Socialist Commentary, 1971). New developments in West German industrial relations (ibid., 1974). Nationale Besonderheiten der gewerkschaftlichen Interessenvertretung in Betrieb und Unternehmen. Das Beispiel Großbritannien, in Gewerkschaftliche Betriebspolitik in Westeuropa (ed. P. Kühne) (1982). West German Industrial Relations, in West Germany Today (ed. K. Koch) (1989). Arbeitsbeziehungen und 'New Style' Vereinbarungen in Großbritannien, in Zwischen Konflikt und Kooperation: Der Beitrag der Tarifparteien zur Entwicklung der Gesellschaft (ed. Bertelsmann Stiftung) (1989). West German Industrial Relations: Course Design, Content and Specialised Terminology, in German and Business Studies (ed. Goethe Institut) (1989). Area Studies and Language Teaching, in Language and Teaching Methodology for the Nineties (ed. S. Anivon) (1990). Co-ordinated Pay Bargaining: The German Experience (Campaign for Work Research Report 14, 1992). The EEC Proposals for European Works Councils (Surrey University Management School: Euro News, 1992). Regulatory Reform and German Industrial Relations, in The Politics of Regulation in Germany (ed. K. Dyson) (1992). (with O. Clarke) Employee Participation and Plant Level Bargaining - The German Experience (Video) (1992). Industrial Relations in Europe - Employee Participation, in European Management Unlimited (Hernstein International Management Institute, Vienna, 1993). Austria: The Economic Logic of Accession, in Prospective Europeans: New Members for the European Community (ed. J. Redwood) (1994). (with P. Singam) Industrial Relations - Problems of German Concepts and Terminology for the English Translator (LebS, 1994). Austria's Accession to the European Union, in Austria's Contribution towards European Union Membership (ed. K. Koch) (1995). The German Economy: Stability or Decline, in The New Germany (ed. D. Lewis et al.) (1995). The German Works Council and Collective Bargaining Development since Unification (German Politics, 1995). Employee Participation - The European Experience (South Bank European Papers, 1996). The German System of Industrial Relations - A Model for Britain (ibid., 1997).