Logo Germanistenverzeichnis


Geb. 1962, Keele, Großbritannien/Nordirland

Didaktik - Niederlandistik - German Studies (Fachgebiet) - German politics and society (Lehrgebiet)


Keele University - Department of Modern Languages (German), Keele University - Keele, Staffordshire ST5 5BG


Besondere Forschungsgebiete Ageing in European society, with special reference to Germany

Monographien The German Greens: Challenging the Consensus (1994). (with E. Kolinsky) German Studies in Transition: The Role of the Lector at British Universities (1997*).

Aufsätze und Beiträge Red-Green Coalitions at Local Level in Hesse, in The Greens in West Germany: Organisation and Policy Making (ed. E. Kolinsky) (1989). Ageing in Rural Europe (Baseline, 1993). Aufstieg und Fall der Grünen (Keele German Papers, 1993). The Social Integration of Senior Citizens in Rural Areas - a European Comparison, in Aktives Leben im Alter (ed. BMFUS) (1994). Erfahrungen mit der politischen und verbandlichen Organisation von Alten-Interessen in Großbritannien, in Auf dem Weg zu einem Europa für alle Generationen (ed. Friedrich Ebert Stiftung) (1994). Older people: Coping with the challenges of everyday life, in Between Hope and Fear: Everyday Life in Post-Unification East Germany (1995). The social integration of older people in rural Europe, in International Perspectives on Community Care for Older People (1995). (with G.C. Wenger) International perspectives on community care (ibid.). (with F. Thissen et al.) Community structure and support network variations in rural areas: A United Kingdom-Netherlands comparison (ibid.). The German Greens: A political profile, in The Green Agenda: Environmental Policy and Politics in Germany (1995). Hilfe für Helfende. Politik der Hilfe für Helfer - Erfahrungen und Ansätze in Großbritannien, in Solidarität der Generationen (ed. A. Braun) (1995). Waving not drowning: The consolidation of the German Greens (German Politics, 1995). (with I. Blühdorn et al.) Getting ready for the third phase, in The Green Agenda (1995). Informal support for older people in post-unification East Germany: stability and change (Journal of Cross-Cultural Gerontology, 1996). Family support of older people in eastern Germany, in Social Transformation and the Family (ed. E. Kolinsky) (1997*).


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