Logo Germanistenverzeichnis


Geb. 1943, Keele, Großbritannien/Nordirland

Neuere deutsche Literaturwissenschaft - Sprachwissenschaft - German Studies (Fachgebiet) - Literature 1760 to present day, esp. post-1945 (Lehrgebiet)


Keele University - Department of Modern Languages (German), Keele University - Keele, Staffordshire ST5 5BG


Besondere Forschungsgebiete Hermann Broch; 20th-c. novel

Monographien (with E. P. Dickins et al.) German Language from School to University (1977, 1980).

Aufsätze und Beiträge The Novel as History - Hermann Broch's Trilogy Die Schlafwandler, in Weimar Germany: Writers and Politics (ed. A. Bance) (1982). German Literature 1880-1945 (YWMLS, 1986-1990). The Novel as Parable of National Socialism: On the Political Significance and Status of Herman Broch's Bergroman (MLR, 1991). Teaching Andersch's Sansibar, oder der letzte Grund (GT, 1991). Harry Haller as 'höherer Mensch': Nietzschean Themes and Motifs in Hermann Hesse's Der Steppenwolf, (GLL, 1993). Hermann Broch's lecture James Joyce und die Gegenwart in its political and literary context, in Hermann Broch: Modernismus, Kunstkrise und Hitlerzeit (ed. A. Stevens et al.) (1994). Hauptmann, Gerhart, in Reference Guide to Short Fiction, (ed. N. Watson) (1994). Lineman Thiel (Bahnwärter Thiel) by Gerhart Hauptmann (ibid.). Family Misfortunes in Kafka: Die Verwandlung (Keele German Papers, 1994). The Way Back: Heinrich Böll's Das Brot der frühen Jahre as a tale of transformation (Keele German Papers ,1995). (with E. Kolinsky) Migrants or Citizens? Turks in Germany between Exclusion and Acceptance, in Turkish Culture in German Society Today (ed. E. Kolinsky et al.) (1996). In Search of a Lost Past: A Reading of Emine Sevgi Özdamar's Novel Das Leben ist eine Karawanserei, hat zwei Türen, aus einer kam ich rein aus der anderen ging ich raus (ibid.). (with E. Kolinsky) Living and Writing in Germany: Emine Sevgi Özdamar in Conversation (ibid.). (with F. Krause) Emine Sevgi Özdamar, 'Black Eye and his Donkey'. A Multi-Cultural Experience (ibid.).


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