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Dr. Ursula BÖSER

Geb. 1956, Professor seit 1983, Edinburgh, Großbritannien/Nordirland

Sprachwissenschaft - Medienwissenschaft (Fachgebiet) - Public Service Interpreting, Legal Interpreting, Audiovisual Translation, documentary film (Lehrgebiet)


Heriot-Watt University - School of Management and Languages, Heriot-Watt University - Riccarton, Edinburgh EH14 4AS



Besondere Forschungsgebiete Legal Interpreting, documentary film

Monographien (with H. Keith) German Through Interpreting (2001) The Art Of Seeing. The Art of Seeing,the Art of Listening. The Politics of Representation in the Work of Jean-Marie Straub and Daniele Huillet.(2004)

Aufsätze und Beiträge Böser, U. 2010. ‘Preserving the Wall’s Ambivalence – Language, Structure and History in Jürgen Böttcher’s Die Mauer’ in Studies in Documentary Film, vol 4, no 1, pp. 79 – 89. Böser, U.2011. ‘Two Channels, Two Truth. Reporting the Iraq War in Control Room’ in Screening the Past, vol 30, pp.1- 8 Böser, U. 2013. ‘So tell me what happened - interpreting the free recall segment of the investigative interview’ in, Translation and Interpreting Studies vol 8, no 1, pp. 112 – 136. Böser, U. 2013. ‘Returning the Gaze - Yael Hersonski’s Representation of Archival Footage from the Warsaw Ghetto’ in Film Criticism, vol 37, no 2, pp. 38 – 56. 'Memories are made of this - Bill Morrison's Film of Her' in: Senses of Cinema (wwwe.sensesofcinema.com, 2006);'Inscriptions of Light and the Calligraphy of Decay - Volatile Representation in Bill Morrison's Decasia, in A. Graf and D. Scheunemann (ed.) Avant-Garde Film (Amsterdam: Rodopi, 2006); Piel Jutzis Mutter Krausens Fahrt ins Glück und Rainer Fassbinders Mutter Küsters Fahrt in den Himmel - Widersprüche und Umdeutungen, in Thomas Koebner (ed.), Diesseits der dämonischen Leinwand (München: Edition Text und Kritik, 2003); David Borwell', in Helmut Schanze, Hrsg., Lexikon Medienwissenschaft, (Stuttgart:Metzler Verlag, 2002); Zum Sinn durch die Sinne kommen - Language and Sound in Straub/Huillet's Film Klassenverhältnisse, in Text und Ton im Film (ed. P. Goetsch et al.) (1997*). 'Das Kino aber stört das Schauen'. Straub/Huillet's Klassenverhältnisse and Franz Kafka's Der Verschollene, in Image into Text: Text into Image (ed. F. Krobb et al.) (1997*). The Art of Seeing - The Art of Listening, Straub/Huillet's 'Tape on Bach', in Orality, Literacy and Modern Media (ed. D. Scheunemann) (1966).


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