Godfrey Robert CARR
Geb. 1942, Coventry, Großbritannien/Nordirland
Neuere deutsche Literaturwissenschaft - German Studies (Fachgebiet) - Contemporary German culture; Germany's cultural legacy and future role in the Baltic (Lehrgebiet)
University of Warwick - Department of German Studies, University of Warwick - Coventry CV4 7AL
Besondere Forschungsgebiete Contemporary German culture; Germany's cultural legacy and future role in the Baltic
Monographien Karl Jaspers as an Intellectual Critic (1983).
Aufsätze und Beiträge Goethe or Jaspers? (PEGS, 1972). Überlegungen zu der Literaturtheorie, in Der Schriftsteller Dieter Wellershoff: Interpretationen und Analysen (ed. R.H. Thomas) (1975). 'A sudden and passionate revulsion towards Germany': Zum politischen Denken Friedrich Sieburgs, in Das literarische Leben in der Weimarer Republik (ed. K. Bullivant) (1978). Ernst Robert Curtius as an Intellectual (JES, 1978). 'The golden Age or Nothingness': some German Intellectuals and the Idea of Suicide, in The Weimar Dilemma: Intellectuals in the Weimar Republic (ed. A. Phelan) (1985). Goethe and Carlyle: Oder eine Pädagogik des Schweigens, in Hochschulnachrichten der Pädagogischen Hochschule Kiel (1988). German and Business Studies at University (GT, 1990). 'La Edad de Oro o la nada': algunas intelectuales alemanes y la idea del suicido, in El Dilema de Weimar (ed. A. Phelan) (1990). Enterprise Culture or Cultural Enterprise?: The Cultural Element in German and Business Studies Degrees (GLL, 1993). (with G. Paul) Unification and its Aftermath: The Challenge of History, in German Cultural Studies (ed. R. Burns) (1995). International Trade and Networking in the Baltic by a German Chamber of Commerce: the 'Kieler Modell' (Academy of International Business Conference, 1996).