Brian Martin KANE
Geb. 1941, Canterbury, Großbritannien/Nordirland
Neuere deutsche Literaturwissenschaft - German Studies (Fachgebiet) - 19th- and 20th-c. German literature, German history and politics since 1945 (Lehrgebiet)
University of Kent - German Section, School of European Culture and Languages, - University of Kent - Cornwallis Building, Canterbury, Kent CT2 7NF
Besondere Forschungsgebiete German literature since 1945
Monographien Weimar Germany and the Limits of Political Art. A Study of the Work of George Grosz and Ernst Toller (1987).
Aufsätze und Beiträge A note on Hubert Fichte's New Novel (Twentieth Century Studies, 1970). Thomas Mann and Visconti (ML, 1972). Scenes from Family Life: The Novels of Walter Kempowski (GLL, 1975). The Art and Commitment of George Grosz (Twentieth Century Studies, 1975). The Expressionism Debate (Bertolt Brecht, George Lukács and Socialist Realism) (International PEN Bulletin, 1976). In Search of the Past: Christa Wolf's Kindheitsmuster (ML, 1978). Literature and investigation: The Work of Günter Wallraff (International PEN Bulletin, 1980). Versions of Holden. Two East German Drop outs (GDRMon, 1980/81). A New Inwardness in the West German Lyric? (PEN International, 1982). The Adolescent as Heretic: Some recent GDR fiction (PEN International, 1983). Writing on the Wall: Recent Preoccupations with the two Germanies (ibid.). Erwin Piscator's 1927 production of Hoppla, We're Alive, in Performance and Politics in Popular Drama (ed. D. Bradby et al.) (1980). George Grosz. Constructivism Parodied, in New Studies in Dada (ed. R. Sheppard) (1981). George Grosz und die Politisierung des Berliner Dada, in Sinn aus Unsinn. Dada International (ed. W. Paulsen et al.) (1982). Realities and Visions. The Work of Anna Seghers (PEN International, 1984). The Compensations of Imagination. An Autobiography and two Novels by Erich Loest (ibid.). Functionaries, and Sons: The Gap Between the Generations in some recent GDR Literature, in Adolescent Hero (ed. I. Wallace) (1984). Where have all the poems gone? (ML, 1985). The Tribulations of GDR Youth: Dieter Eue's novel Ketzers Jugend (GLL, 1985). From Solipsism to Engagement. The Development of Erich Fried as a Political Poet (FMLS, 1985). A Question of Perspectives. The Literature of the German Democratic Republic and its West German Critics (PEN International, 1985). Socialist Fairy Tales (ibid.). Changing Values? Images of Youth in GDR literature of the Eighties, in Germany in the Eighties (ed. H.J. Hahn et al.) (1986). Hard times and damaged lives: Some recent fiction from Austria and Germany East and West (PEN International, 1986). Fiction, the tape-recorder and some unexpected new perspectives on the GDR (PEN International, 1987). Poetry and the Holocaust: A note on Paul Celan (ibid.). Fathers, Sons and the Past in the Present (ibid.). Peter Weiss. Die Ästhetik des Widerstands, in Subjektivität - Innerlichkeit - Abkehr vom Politischen? Tendenzen der deutschsprachigen Literatur der 70er Jahre (ed. K. Bullivant et al.) (1986). Who or what is grazing in the groves of academe? (PEN International, 1988). Chasing the Chameleon: With Hans Magnus Enzensberger into the 1970s and Beyond, in After the 'Death' of Literature. West German Writing of the 1970s (ed. K. Bullivant) (1989). Culture, Political Power and the Aesthetics of Resistance: Peter Weiss's Die Ästhetik des Widerstands (ibid.). Culpabilities of the Imagination: The Novels of Monika Maron, in Literature on the Threshold. The German Novel in the 1980s (ed. A. Williams et al.) (1990). From Verteidigung der Wölfe to Blindenschrift: the Political Poem after Brecht, in Lektüre - ein anarchischer Akt (ed. H. Siefken et al.) (1990). Visions for a New Society: Anna Seghers in the GDR, in Socialism and the Literary Imagination (ed. M. Kane) (1991). Tales and the Telling: the Novels of Jurek Becker (ibid.). Was the Wall a Laughing Matter? Some Reflections on Thorsten Becker's Die Bürgschaft, in German Literature at a Time of Change 1989-1990 (ed. K.S. Parkes) (1991). Roles for the Writer: East German Literature and the Creation of National Consciousness 1945-1952 (MLR, 1992). From Oobliadooh to Prenzlauer Berg: Literature, Lifestyle and Identity in the GDR, in Geist und Macht. Writers and the State in the GDR (ed. A. Goodbody et al.) (1992). 'Das Grauenhafte des bloß Schematischen' (Franz Kafka): Christa Wolf's Kleiner Ausflug nach H. in the Context of her early Writing, in Christa Wolf in Perspective (ed. I. Wallace) (1994). Regeneration of the Language or 'gequirlter Stumpfsinn' (Biermann): The Poetry of Bert Papenfuß-Gorek, in Prenzlauer Berg. Bohemia in East Berlin (ed. P. Brady et al.) (1995). Beyond Ideology: The Early Works of Anna Seghers, in German Women Writers 1900-1933 (ed. B. Keith-Smith) (1993). Hans Magnus Enzensberger's Zukunftsmusik: The Changing Roles and Identity of a Political Poet, in The Individual, Identity and Innovation. Signals from Contemporary Literature and the New Germany (ed. A. Williams et al.) (1994). Writing as precarious Salvation: the Work of Wolfgang Hilbig, in Contemporary German Writers, Their Aesthetics and Their Language (ed. A. Williams et al.) (1996). Politische Lyrik, in Sozialgeschichte der deutschen Literatur (ed. H.A. Glaser) (1997*). 'Aus der ersten Hälfte meines Lebens...' Sarah Kirsch in the GDR, in Sarah Kirsch (ed. D. Busker et al.) (1997*). Literature and the Environment in the GDR. Some implications of post-1989 disclosures, in Green Thought in German Culture (ed. C. Riordan) (1997*). Von Abraham bis Zwerenz: An Anthology for Unification?, in Voices in Times of Change (ed. D. Rock) (1997*).