John Laurence HIBBERD
Geb. 1938, Bristol, Großbritannien/Nordirland
Neuere deutsche Literaturwissenschaft (Fachgebiet) - German literature since 1700; Comparative literature (Lehrgebiet)
University of Bristol - Department of German, University of Bristol - 21 Woodland Road, Clifton, Bristol BS8 1TE
Besondere Forschungsgebiete German literature since 1700; Comparative literature
Monographien Kafka in context (1975). Salomon Gessner (1976). Kafka: Die Verwandlung (1985).
Aufsätze und Beiträge Aesthetic judgements in Gervinus's history of German literature (MLR, 1968). J.P. Hebel's Allemannische Gedichte and the Idyllic Tradition (FMLS, 1972). The Idylls in Tieck's Sternbald (FMLS, 1976). The Idylls in Fr. Schlegel's Lucinde (DVLG, 1977). Imaginary Numbers and Humour: on Wedekind's Frühlings Erwachen (MLR, 1979). The spirit of the Flesh: Wedekind's Lulu (MLR, 1984). 'Cet auteur réaliste': Robbe-Grillet's Reading of Kafka, in Paths and Labyrinths (ed. J.P. Stern et al.) (1985). Wedekind's Die Zensur and his Ideas on Religion (CollGerm, 1986). Frank Wedekind and the First World War (MLR, 1987). The Morality of Wedekind's Der Marquis von Keith (DVLG, 1987). Frank Wedekind and Ferdinand Lassalle (GLL, 1989/90). Das Vorspiel zu Schillers Wilhelm Tell und die 'hervorzubringende Einheit', in Texte, Motive und Gestalten der Goethezeit (ed. J.L. Hibberd et al.) (1989). Wedekind and Goethe (PEGS, 1990). The Eugenist as Tyrant and Fool: Wedekind's Karl Hetmann (N, 1990). Another look at 'Tod und Teufel', (Frank Wedekind Yearbook, 1991). Kafka's Das Schloß and the Problems of the Self-Defining Subject (N, 1995).