Jürgen Karl Albert THOMANECK
Geb. 1941, Aberdeen, Großbritannien/Nordirland
Neuere deutsche Literaturwissenschaft - Sprachwissenschaft (Fachgebiet) - German language; Sociolinguistics; GDR studies; Institutions; 19th- and 20th-c. German literature; German history (Lehrgebiet)
University of Aberdeen - Department of German, University of Aberdeen - Taylor Building, King's College, Old Aberdeen AB24 3UB
Besondere Forschungsgebiete Sociolinguistics; GDR studies; Institutions
Monographien Fremdsprachenunterricht und Soziolinguistik (1981). Ulrich Plenzdorf's 'Die neuen Leiden des jungen W.' (revd. ed. 1992). (with J. Mellis) The German Democratic Republic: Politics, Government and Society (1989).
Aufsätze und Beiträge A sociolinguistic study of adjective and adverb (Language and Speech, 1972). Linguistics and language teaching (NGS, 1974). The iceberg in Anna Seghers' novel Überfahrt (GLL, 1974). (with G.F. Benham) On the marking of foreign language compositions: A computer-aided analysis (ML, 1976). The rise and fall of University German (Modern Languages in Scotland, 1977). The study of Brecht's poetry for the CSYS (ibid., 1978). (with C. Kaess) 'Sag, wo die Studenten sind, wo sind sie geblieben?' (ibid.). Historical Awareness in the Literature of the GDR: The Early Pioneering Days (GDRMon, 1979). A contrastive sociolinguistic analysis of students of German as a foreign language (IRAL, 1980). (with G.J.A. Burgess) Testing in the Language Laboratory: An Argument for its Efficiency (BJLT, 1980). The Relationship between the GDR and the FRG: The Origins (GDRMon, 1980). (with A. McKenzie) The Study of Brecht's Der gute Mensch von Sezuan for the CSYS (Modern Languages in Scotland, 1980). The SED and the Division of Germany: A Reply (GDRMon, 1980). Sociolinguistics and Contrastive Analysis, in Contrastive Aspects of English and German (ed. C.V.J. Russ) (1981). Rudolf Bahro: dissident in East and West, in The GDR under Honecker 1971-1981 (ed. I. Wallace) (1981). DDR-Literatur in englischer Übersetzung. Seghers und Bobrowski (ZfG, 1983). Anna Seghers, in Writer and Society in the German Democratic Republic (ed. I. Wallace) (1984). Police and Public Order in the Federal Republic of Germany, in Police and Public Order in Europe (ed. J.K.A. Thomaneck et al.) (1984). Principles and practice of Foreign Language Teaching: A Sociolinguistic Approach, in 150 Jahre Methodik des Englischunterrichts als Wissenschaft und akademisches Lehrfach (ed. W. Strauß) (1985). Quo Vadis Landeskunde, in Essays for R.H. Mellor (ed. W. Ritchie) (1986). Zur Rezeption anglo-amerikanischer Literatur in der DDR-Literatur, in Britisch-deutsche Kultur- und Literaturbeziehungen (ed. H. Renk et al.) (1988). The Third FDGB Congress: A Trade Union Movement of the New Type (GDRMon, 1990). The FDGB and the chip: the trade unions as the motor of crisis management in the GDR during the eighties (Wiss. Zs. der Humboldt-Univ., Reihe Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaften, 1991). From Euphoria to Reality: Social Problems of Post-Unification, in The New Germany (ed. D. Lewis et al.) (1995). Environmental Responsibility and Co-operation between North Sea Municipalities, in ENS 1993 Proceedings (Marine Pollution Bulletin, 1994). Tenochtitlan, Time, Transit: Anna Seghers's novel of exile (GLL, 1992). Anna Seghers and the Janka Trial: A Case Study in Intellectual Obfuscation (GLL, 1993). Government, Party and Trade Unions: Honecker's Troika (NGS, 1994). Das Fremde in der DDR-Literatur, in Die Auseinandersetzung mit der Fremde in der deutschen Kultur (ed. M. Stone) (1997*). Bertolt Brecht and Anna Seghers, in Bertolt Brecht: Centenary Essays (ed. R.S. Livingstone et al.) (1998*).