Dr. Nicholas Catasso
Geb. 1986, Hochschuldozentur - Wiss. Ang. seit 2020, Wuppertal, Deutschland
Sprachwissenschaft (Fachgebiet) - Linguistik (Lehrgebiet)
Bergische Universität Wuppertal - Fakultät 01: Geistes- und Kulturwissenschaften - GaußStr. 20 - 42097 Wuppertal
- #Sprachtheorie
- #Kontrastive Linguistik, Sprachvergleich, Sprachtypologie
- #Morphologie
- #Syntax
- #Sprachgeschichte, Sprachwandel
- #Formale Linguistik
Besondere Forschungsgebiete
- Verbzweit
- Verbdritt
- Linke Satzperipherie
- Satzkonnektoren
Monographien CATASSO, Nicholas (2017). V2-Einbettung im Spannungsfeld von Hypotaxe und Parataxe. Tübingen: Stauffenburg.
Aufsätze und Beiträge
- CATASSO, Nicholas (2023). Non-exhaustivity marker = modal particle? The case of middle-field 'so' in colloquial German. SKASE Journal of Theoretical Linguistics 20/2: 123-140
- CATASSO, Nicholas (2022). Nur ein Adverb? Polyfunktionalität und Desemantisierung von 'so' in Synchronie und Diachronie. In Modicom, Pierre-Yves (Hg.), Adverbien und Adverbiale. Grenzen und Gliederung einer syntaktischen Kategorie im Deutschen, 85-101. Heidelberg: Winter.
- CATASSO, Nicholas (2022). Looking at the periphery from the suburbs: An information-structurally based taxonomy of Hanging Topics in German. Linguistik Online 116/4: 11-40.
- CATASSO, Nicholas / CONIGLIO, Marco / DE BASTIANI, Chiara (2022). Interface phenomena and language change. Where we are and where we are going. In Catasso, Nicholas / Coniglio, Marco / De Bastiani, Chiara (Hg.). Language change at the interfaces. Intrasentential and intersentential phenomena, 1-34. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
- CATASSO, Nicholas (2021). How large is the left periphery of Present-Day German? A unifying approach to multiply-filled-prefield configurations. Open Linguistics 7/1: 760-801.
- CATASSO, Nicholas (2021). Some notes on central causal clauses in Venetian. Poznań Studies in Contemporary Linguistics 57/4: 519–572.
- CATASSO, Nicholas (2021). Is German 'warum' so special after all? In Gabriela Soare (Hg.), Why is 'why' unique? Its syntactic and semantic properties, 115-150. Berlin: de Gruyter.
- CATASSO, Nicholas (2021). Verbspäterstellungen, komplexe Vorfelder und die linke Satzperipherie im Mittel- und Frühneuhochdeutschen. Sprachwissenschaft 46/1: 35-70.
- CATASSO, Nicholas (2021). A German expletive gone unnoticed? Some notes on (obligatorily) left-peripheral 'so'. Coyote Papers 23: 11-20.
- CATASSO, Nicholas (2021). How theoretical is your (historical) syntax? Towards a typology of Verb-Third in Early Old High German. Journal of Comparative Germanic Linguistics 24/1: 1-48.
- CATASSO, Nicholas / CONIGLIO, Marco / DE BASTIANI, Chiara / FUß, Eric (2021). He then said…: (Understudied) deviations from V2 in Early Germanic. Journal of Historical Syntax 5/17: 1-39.
- CATASSO, Nicholas (2021). Generalized and specialized adverbial resumption in Middle High German and beyond. Journal of Historical Syntax 5/2: 1-38.
- CATASSO, Nicholas (2019). On splittable aggressively non-D-linked expressions and their correlates in West Germanic. In Topintzi, Nina et al. (Hg.), Selected papers from the 23rd International Symposium on Theoretical and Applied Linguistics (ISTAL 23), 88-103. Thessaloniki: Aristotle University of Thessaloniki.