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Prof. Dr. Svetlana Petrova

Geb. 1969, Professur seit 2011, Habilitation 2013, Wuppertal, Deutschland

Sprachwissenschaft (Fachgebiet) - Linguistik (Lehrgebiet)


Bergische Universität Wuppertal - Fakultät 01: Geistes- und Kulturwissenschaften - GaußStr. 20 - 42097 Wuppertal


https:/ / germanistik. uni-wuppertal. de/ de/ teilfaecher/ sprachwissenschaft-des-deutschen/ personen/ svetlana-petrova-1/


Besondere Forschungsgebiete Historische Sprachwissenschaft des Deutschen


Aufsätze und Beiträge Petrova, Svetlana. 2022. Bare and indefinite nominal predicates in the history of German. In Determiners and quantifiers: functions, variation, and change, Chiara Gianollo, Maria Napoli and Klaus von Heusinger (eds.), 285–317. Leiden/Boston: Brill. Petrova, Svetlana 2020a. Embedded V2 in Old High German. A corpus study. In Rethinking Germanic V2, Rebecca Woods and Sam Wolfe (eds.), 555–573. Oxford: OUP. Petrova, Svetlana. 2020b. Variation and change in the licensing of dependent V2 in German. In Verb Second. Grammar Internal and Grammar External Interfaces, Horst Lohnstein and Antonios Tsiknakis (eds.), 251 – 276. Berlin: de Gruyter. Coniglio, Marco/Hinterhölzl, Roland/Petrova, Svetlana. 2018. Mood alternations in Old High German. Annali di Ca’ Foscari. Serie occidentale 52: 7–38. Petrova, Svetlana. 2017. Left-Peripheral Modal Particles in Older Germanic? In: Volker Struckmeier/Josef Beyer (eds.): Syntax and Semantics of Modal Particles. Berlin: de Gruyter, 304–331. Petrova, Svetlana. 2015a. Synchronic variation and diachronic change in the expression of indefinite reference: Evidence from historical German. Zeitschrift für Sprachwissenschaft 34(2): 213–246. Petrova, Svetlana. 2015b. Free word order in Germanic: Insights from object order in Middle Low German. Linguistische Berichte 244: 1–29. Petrova, Svetlana. 2012. Multiple XP-fronting in Middle Low German. In Journal of Comparative Germanic Linguistics 15 (2): 157–188. Petrova, Svetlana. 2011. Modeling word order variation in discourse: On the pragmatic properties of VS order in Old High German. In: Eirik Welo (ed.): Indo-European Syntax and Pragmatics: Comparative Approaches, Special Issue of Oslo Studies in Language 3(3), 209–228. Hinterhölzl, Roland/Petrova, Svetlana. 2010. From V1 to V2 in Older Germanic. Lingua 120(2): 315–328.


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