Logo Germanistenverzeichnis

Prof. Dr. Roland Hausser

Geb. 1946, Habilitation 1981, Deutschland

Sprachwissenschaft (Fachgebiet)




Besondere Forschungsgebiete Syntax, Semantik, Pragmatik, Formale Sprachtheorie, Computermorphologie, Parsen

Monographien Quantification in an Extended Montague Grammar. 1974 - Surface Compositional Grammar. 1984 - NEWCAT: Natural Language Parsing Using Left-associative Grammar. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 1986 - Computation of Language. An Essay on Syntax, Semantics and Pragmatics in Natural Man-Machine Communication. 1989 - Grundlagen der Computerlinguistik. Mensch-Maschine-Kommunikation in natürlicher Sprache (im Druck)

Aufsätze und Beiträge A Surface Compositional Categorial Syntax. (Journal of Linguistics of Korea. 1982) - The Syntax and Semantics of English Mood. (Questions and Answers. Hg.: F. Kiefer. 1983) - Vagueness and Truth. (Conceptus, XVII, 40/41, 1983) - On Vagueness. (Journal of Semantics, Vol. II, 3/4, 1983) - Zur Struktur des Lexikons in der generativen Grammatik. (Nach- Chomskysche Linguistik. Hg.: Th. Ballmer u. R. Posner. 1985) - Left-associative Grammar and the Parser NEWCAT. (Center for the Study of Language and Information, Stanford University. 1985) - Modelltheorie, künstliche Intelligenz und die Theorie der Wahrheit. (Theorien der Wahrheit. Hg.: L. Puntel. 1987) - Left-associative Grammar, Theory and Implementation. (Center for Machine Translation, Carnegie-Mellon University. 1987) - Left-Associative Grammar: an Informal Outline. (Computers and Translation, Vol. 3.1, 1988) - Computational Complexity of Left-Associative Grammar. (Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Theoretical and Methodological Issues in Machine Translation 1988. Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA. 1988) - Left-Associative Grammar: the Algebraic Definitions. (Computers and Translation, Vol. 3.2, 1988) - Computational Complexity and Decidability in Left-Associative Grammar. (Proceedings of the International Workshop on Parsing Technologies. Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA. 1989) - Complexity in Left-Associative Grammar. (Theoretical Computer Science, Vol. 106, 1992)


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