Prof. Dr. Anne Breitbarth
Geb. 1976, Professur seit 2013, Gent, Belgien
Sprachwissenschaft - Anderes Fachgebiet (siehe Forschungsgebiete) (Fachgebiet) - Linguistik (Lehrgebiet)
Vakgroep Taalkunde - Blandijnberg 2 - 9000 Gent
Andere dienstliche Anschrift Vakgroep Taalkunde - Blandijnberg 2 - 9000 Gent
- #Sprachtheorie
- #Kontrastive Linguistik, Sprachvergleich, Sprachtypologie
- #Phonetik, Phonologie
- #Morphologie
- #Semantik
- #Syntax
- #Ältere Sprachstufen
- #Sprachgeschichte, Sprachwandel
- #Dialektologie
- #Gesprochene Sprache
- #Formale Linguistik
- #Computerlinguistik
Besondere Forschungsgebiete Korpuslinguistik
- Breitbarth, Anne. 2005. Live fast, die young: The short life of Early Modern German auxiliary ellipsis. Utrecht: LOT publications.
- Breitbarth, Anne. 2014. The history of Low German Negation. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Breitbarth, Anne, Christopher Lucas & David Willis. 2020. The history of negation in the languages of Europe and the Mediterranean : volume II : patterns and processes. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Aufsätze und Beiträge
- Ghyselen, Anne-Sophie, Anne Breitbarth, Melissa Farasyn, Jacques Van Keymeulen, and Arjan van Hessen. 2020. “Clearing the Transcription Hurdle in Dialect Corpus Building : The Corpus of Southern Dutch Dialects as Case-Study.” Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence 3: 1–17.
- Booth, Hannah, Anne Breitbarth, Aaron Ecay, and Melissa Farasyn. 2020. “A Penn-Style Treebank of Middle Low German.” In Proceedings of the 12th Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2020), 766–775.
- Breitbarth, Anne. 2020. “The Negative Cycle and Beyond.” In The Oxford Handbook of Negation, ed by. Viviane Déprez and M. Teresa Espinal, 530–545. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Breitbarth, Anne, Melissa Farasyn, Anne-Sophie Ghyselen, and Jacques Van Keymeulen. 2020. “Het Gesproken Corpus van de Zuidelijk-Nederlandse Dialecten.” Ed by. Roxane Vandenberghe. Handelingen - Koninklijke Zuidnederlandse Maatschappij voor Taal- en Letterkunde en Geschiedenis (KZM) 72: 23–38.
- Walkden, George, and Anne Breitbarth. 2019. “Complexity as L2-Difficulty: Implications for Syntactic Change.” Theoretical Linguistics 45 (3–4): 183–209.
- Breitbarth, Anne. 2019. “Should a Conditional Marker Arise ... The Diachronic Development of Conditional ‘sollte’ in German.” Glossa - A Journal of General Linguistics 4 (1).
- Van Keymeulen, Jacques, Veronique De Tier, Anne Breitbarth, Anne-Sophie Ghyselen, and Melissa Farasyn. 2019. “Het Dialectologische Corpus ‘Stemmen Uit Het Verleden’ van de Universiteit Gent.” Volkskunde 120 (2): 193–204.
- Farasyn, Melissa, George Walkden, Sheila Watts & Anne Breitbarth. 2018. The interplay between genre and syntax in a historical Low German corpus. In: Richard J. Whitt (ed.), Diachronic Corpora, Genre, and Language Change. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
- Breitbarth, Anne & Agnes Jäger. 2018. History of negation in High and Low German. In: Gisella Ferrarresi, Agnes Jäger & Helmut Weiß (eds.), Clause structure and word order in the history of German. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Koleva, Mariya, Melissa Farasyn, Bart Desmet, Anne Breitbarth & Véronique Hoste. 2017. An automatic part-of-speech tagger for Middle Low German. International Journal of Corpus Linguistics 22.1:108–141.
- Breitbarth, Anne. 2017. Jespersen’s Cycle = Minimize Structure + Feature Economy. In: Silvio Cruscina, Katharina Hartmann & Eva-Maria Remberger (eds.), Studies on Negation: Syntax, Semantics, and Variation. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht unipress / Vienna University Press