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Dr. Heather Merle Benbow

Geb. 1974, Melbourne, Australien

German Studies (Fachgebiet) - Neuere dt. Literaturwissenschaft - Deutsch als Fremdsprache (Lehrgebiet)


School of Languages and Linguistics, University of Melbourne VIC 3010, Australia


Andere dienstliche Anschrift School of Languages and Linguistics, University of Melbourne VIC 3010, Australia


Besondere Forschungsgebiete

Monographien Marriage in Turkish German Popular Culture: States of Matrimony in the New Millennium, 2015, Lexington The Beginnings of Modern Gendered Discourse in Late Eighteenth-Century Germany: Literary, Philosophical, and Popular Portrayals of Female Orality, 2009, Edwin Mellen Press

Aufsätze und Beiträge Since 2015: Benbow, H. “Commensality and Conflict: Food, Drink and Intercultural Encounters in the Battle of Timor” Journal of Intercultural Studies (forthcoming). Anderson, L. and Benbow H. “Tradition, modernity and exoticism: plating up Peruvian in Melbourne,” Continuum: Journal of Media and Cultural Studies, 31:1, 2017, pp.114-125 Anderson, L., Benbow H. and Manzin, G. “Europe on a Plate: Food, Identity and Cultural Diversity in Contemporary Europe,” Australian and New Zealand Journal of European Studies, vol.8, no.1, 2016, pp.2-14 Benbow, H. “Food, Gender and Cross-Cultural Consumption in Turkish–German Chick Lit,” Food and Foodways: Explorations in the History and Culture of Human Nourishment, vol. 23, no.3, 2015, pp. 141–162 Anderson, L. and H. Benbow, “Cultural Indigestion in Multicultural Australia: Fear of ‘Foreign’ Foods in Australian Media,” Gastronomica, 15.1, 2015 Benbow, H. “Transnational Turkish-German Travelogues: Turkish-German Women Writers’ Travel Narratives” in Shafi, Monika and Karin Baumgartner (eds) Contemporary German Travel Writing. Rochester, NY: Camden House (forthcoming 2018) Benbow, H. “Integration geht durch den Magen?: Interkulturelles Essen in ‚Krisenzeiten’” in West-Pavlov, Russell (ed.) Interkulturelle Bildung und die Flüchtlingsdebatte, Tübingen: Narr Verlag (forthcoming 2017) Benbow, H. “Discourses of ‘Rescue’ and ‘Exit’ in Gay Turkish-German Coming-of-Age Novels,” in Bandhauer, Andrea, Yixu Lü, Peter Morgan und Tristan Lay (eds) Die Welt auf Deutsch: Fremdenbilder und Selbstentwürfe in der deutschsprachigen Literatur und Kultur. Sankt Ingbert: Röhrig Universitätsverlag (forthcoming 2017), pp.195-210


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