Kretzenbacher, H.L./ Segebrecht, U. (1991): Vom Sie zum Du - mehr als eine neue Konvention? Antworten auf die Preisfrage der Deutschen Akademie für Sprache und Dichtung vom Jahr 1989, Hamburg - Zürich: Luchterhand Literaturverlag [now: Göttingen: Wallstein Verlag\
Kretzenbacher, H.L. (1990) Rekapitulation. Textstrategien der Zusammenfassung von wissenschaftlichen Fachtexten, Tübingen: Narr (Forum für Fachsprachen-Forschung; 11)
Aufsätze und Beiträge
Introduction: Exploring multilingualism and pluricentricity in diverse urban settings. In: Hajek, J. / Norrby, C. / Kretzenbacher, HL. / Schüpbach, D, (eds.), Multilingualism and Pluricentricity: A Tale of Many Cities. Berlin: De Gruyter Mouton 2024 (Language and Social Life [LSL\; 20), 1-23 (with Norrby, C. / Hajek, J. / Schüpbach, D. .
Conclusion: Looking back and looking forward. In: Hajek, J. / Norrby, C. / Kretzenbacher, HL. / Schüpbach, D. (eds.), Multilingualism and Pluricentricity: A Tale of Many Cities. Berlin: De Gruyter Mouton 2024 Language and Social Life [LSL\; 20), 321-332 (with Schüpbach, D. / Hajek, J. / Norrby, C.).
Pronominal address in German sales talk: effects on the perception of the salesperson. Languages 9 (2024), art. 316 (with Hensel-Börner, S.).
Nominal address and introductions in three national varieties of German: Intralinguistic variation and pragmatic transfer to English. In: Baumgarten, N. / Vismans, R. (eds.), It's Different with You: Contrastive Perspectives on Address Research. Amsterdam: John Benjamins 2023 (Topics in Address Research; 5), 245-271 (with Schüpbach, D. / Hajek, J. / Norrby, C.).
Genderneutrale Sprache im Deutschen – ja, aber wie? Szene. Journal for Teachers of German in Australia 42 (2022), 2-6.
“I imagine myself in the future speaking German”. What motivates university students in Australia to learn German over time? GFL - German as a Foreign Language 2/2022, 64-90 (with D’Orazzi, G. / Hajek, J.).
Einleitung zur Sektion “Anrede im Deutschen: Variation, Übersetzung, Unterricht”. In: Auteri, L. / Barrale, N. / Di Bella, A. / Hoffmann, S. (eds.), Wege der Germanistik in transkultureller Perspektive: Akten des XIV. Kongresses der Internationalen Vereinigung für Germanistik (IVG), vol. 12. Bern: Peter Lang 2022 (Jahrbuch für Internationale Germanistik; Beihefte), 379-381 (with Simon, HJ. / Dürscheid, C.)
Approaches to the study of address in pluricentric languages: methodological reflections. Sociolinguistica 35.1 (2021), 165-188 (with Schüpbach, D. / Hajek, J. / Norrby, C.).
Anredestrategien im Erwerb des Deutschen als Fremdsprache. Deutsch als Fremdsprache 57.3 (2020), 155-167 (with Riehl, CM. / Hajek, J. / Blanco López, J.).
Social deixis at international conferences: Austrian German speakers’ introduction and address behaviour in German and English (with Hajek, J. / Norrby, C. /Schüpbach, D.). Journal of Pragmatics 169 (2020), 100-119.
Now you Sie me, now you don’t: the history and remnants of the 3pl V address pronoun calque in Slovak (onikanie) and in Czech (onikání) (with Hajek, J. / Lagerberg, R. / Bresin, A.). In: Kluge, B. / Moyna, M (eds.), It's not All about You: New Perspectives on Address Research. Amsterdam: John Benjamins 2019 (Topics in Address Research; 1), 125-137
Transition from V to T address among restaurant customers and waiters in Italy (with Bresin, A. / Hajek, J.). In: Kluge, B. / Moyna, M (eds.), It's not All about You: New Perspectives on Address Research. Amsterdam: John Benjamins 2019 (Topics in Address Research; 1), 221-250.
Introductions at international academic conferences: Address and naming in three national varieties of English (with Norrby, C. /Schüpbach, D. / Hajek, J.). In: Kluge, B. / Moyna, M (eds.), It's not All about You: New Perspectives on Address Research. Amsterdam: John Benjamins 2019 (Topics in Address Research; 1), 375-395.
Approaches to Bach in Australian literature. In: Collins, D. / Murphy, K. / Owens, S. (eds.), J.S. Bach in Australia: Studies in Reception and Performance. Melbourne: Lyrebird Press 2018 (Australasian Music Research; 17), 201-217.
“The wording is on occasion somewhat emotional”: a qualitative study of English and German peer reviews for a chemical journal. Fachsprache 39.1-2 (2017), 59-73.
Sprachenwahl und metasprachliche Kommentare bei deutsch-englischen Peer-Reviews. In: Kalverkämper, H. (ed.), Fachkommunikation im Fokus: Paradigmen - Positionen - Perspektiven. Berlin: Frank & Timme 2016 (Forum für Fachsprachen-Forschung; 100), 419-438.