Theater, Performance und Film in interkulturellen und transkulturellen Kontexten
Rezeptionsforschung und Wirkungsästhetik
Erinnerung und Gedächtnisforschung
Narrative Praktiken im Erzähltheater
Garde, U., Mumford, M. Theatre of Real People. Diverse Encounters at Berlin's Hebbel am Ufer and Beyond. London: Bloomsbury (Methuen Drama Engage) 2016.
Garde, U. Brecht & Co.: German-speaking Playwrights on the Australian Stage. Bern, New York: Peter Lang, 2007.
Garde, U.'Die Poetik fluider Bedeutungszuschreibungen in der postmigrantischen mehrsprachigen Gegenwartsliteratur: Olivia Wenzels "1000 Seperpentinen Angst" und Yael Ronens "The Situation"', Mehrsprachigkeit in der Literatur: Das probeweise Einführen neuer Spielregeln, A.McMurtry, B. Siller, S. Vlasta (Hg.), Narr Francke Attempto 2023, 203-224.
Garde, U.,'Spotlight on literary strategies of multilingual (post)migrant drama in the play "The Situation"', Journal of Literary Multilingualism. 1, 2 2023, 240-262,
Garde, U., 'Multilingualism on the Berlin stage: the influence of language choice, linguistic access and opacity on cultural diversity and access in contemporary theatre', Contemporary Theatre Review 2022. 32, 1, 61-80
Garde, U., 'Negotiating Unfamiliar Languages and Accents in Contemporary Theatre', in: Garde, U., Severn, J. (Hg.), Theatre and Internationalization: Perspectives from Australia, Germany, and Beyond, London ; New York: Routledge, 2020, 109-127
Garde, U., Severn, J., 'Theatre(s) and Internationalization(s)', in: Garde, U., Severn, J. (Hg.), Theatre and Internationalization: Perspectives from Australia, Germany, and Beyond, London ; New York: Routledge, 2020, 1-33
Garde, U., J. Birgfeld, 'Falk Richter and Anouk van Dijk's "Complexity of Belonging": Exploring Internationalisation in Contemporary Theatre, German Life and Letters 71 (3), 353-373
Garde, U. 'The Stasi Files on Center Stage: Life Writing, Witnessing, and Memory in Recent Performance' , in: V. Glajar, A. Lewis, C. Petrescu (Hg.), Secret Police Files from the Eastern Bloc: Between Surveillance and Life Writing, New York: Camden House, 2016, 178-200.
Garde, U. 'Ein Spiel mit der Stadt. Die spielerische Durchbrechung von Schemata in 100% Melbourne', in: J.Birgfeld, U. Garde, M. Mumford (Hg.) Rimini Protokoll Close-Up: Lektüren. Hannover: Wehrhahn, 2015: 254-277