Orient in dt.-sprachigen Medien, Kunst, Literatur und Alltag
Kulturbegegnung im Film
Stereotypen in Literatur, Kunst und Alltag
Österreicher im Orient
Das emotionale Moment der Veränderung. Stadt als Dichtung
Visonäre Städte
Aufsätze und Beiträge
Religion als migrantischer Fluchtraum? Hülya Kandemir und Hatice Akyün, in: Birgit Mertz-Baumgartner, Eva Binder (Hg.): Migrationsliteraturen in Europa. Innsbruck: 2011 (im Druck)
The language of colours. A semiotic analysis of the imagery in Francis Ford Coppola’s “Dracula” (1992), in: Bernard, Veronika, Serhan Oksay et al. (Eds.): IMAGES – Films as Spaces of Cultural Encounters. The 2011 IMAGES Project Publication (= CINEJ Cinema Journal Special Issue 1/ 2011) online edition (http://cinej.pitt.edu). Pittsburgh 2011. 6-63
The Wing Beat of the Butterfly. The Causality of Asymmetric Cultural Encounters and Escalation in Babel (2006) and Valley of Wolves – Iraq/ Kurtlar Vadisi – Irak (2006), in: Bernard, Veronika, Serhan Oksay et al. (Eds.): IMAGES – Films as Spaces of Cultural Encounters. The 2011 IMAGES Project Publication (Print). Innsbruck 2011. 19-32
Mutual Perceptions – A Look at the 2000-2010 State of East-West Discourse in Germany and Austria. In: Bernard, Veronika, Serhan Oksay, Eugene Sensenig-Dabbous (Eds.): Breaking the Stereotype. From Orient and Occident to a Mutual Understanding of Images. The Conference Proceedings. Innsbruck: IUP 2011, 21-47
“Who am I, and how can I be me?” – A Desired Europeaness as the Turkish “Other” in Orhan Pamuk’s Writing. In: Bernard, Veronika, Serhan Oksay, Eugene Sensenig-Dabbous (Eds.): Breaking the Stereotype. From Orient and Occident to a Mutual Understanding of Images. The Conference Proceedings. Innsbruck: IUP 2011, 122-132
All Evil comes from the East. A Vampire and the Cholera as the Agents of an (East-born) Threat to Western Society in Bram Stoker’s Dracula and Thomas Mann’s The Death in Venice. In: Bernard, Veronika, Serhan Oksay, Eugene Sensenig-Dabbous (Eds.): Breaking the Stereotype. From Orient and Occident to a Mutual Understanding of Images. The Conference Proceedings. Innsbruck (IUP) 2011, 200-214
19th Century female travellers – are they the more open-minded Europeans? Ida Hahn-Hahn’s and Ida Pfeiffer’s contribution to German-Austrian travel writings dealing with the 19th century Ottoman Empire. In: Dilek Direnc, Gunseli Sonmez Isci and Klára Kolinská, eds. Women in Dialogue: (M)uses of Culture. Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars, 2008. 33-43
Das Osmanische Reich auf gut josephinisch ... Die Orient-Sicht bei Anton Graf Prokesch von Osten, Friedrich Fürst von Schwarzenberg und Franz Grillparzer als josephinische Nachklänge im 19. Jahrhundert. In: Klaus Müller-Salget und Sigurd Paul Scheichl (Hg.): Nachklänge der Aufklärung im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert (= Innsbrucker Beiträge zur Kulturwissenschaft, Germanistiche Reihe Band 73), Innsbruck 2008