Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst (DAAD) Deutscher Germanistenverband (DGV)

Helen Lesley BOAK

Geb. 1952, Watford, Großbritannien/Nordirland

Sprachwissenschaft - German Studies (Fachgebiet) - German language; Modern German history (Lehrgebiet)

Anschrift: University of Hertfordshire - Department of Modern Languages, School of Humanities Languages and Education, University of Hertfordshire - Watford Campus, Wall Hall, Aldenham, Watford WD2 8AT


Besondere Forschungsgebiete: German women's history, particularly 1870-1945

Aufsätze und Beiträge: Women in the Weimar Republic: the 'Frauenfrage' and the Female Vote, in Social Change and Political Development in Weimar Germany (ed. R. Bessel et al.) (1981). 'Our last hope': Women's votes for Hitler - A Reappraisal (German Studies Review, 1989). The State as an Employer of Women in the Weimar Republic, in The State and Social Change in Germany 1880-1970 (ed. W.R. Lee et al.) (1990). Women in Weimar Politics (European History Quarterly, 1990). National Socialism and Working Class Women before 1933, in The Rise of National Socialism and the Working Classes in Germany (ed. C. Fischer) (1996).

Zusätzliche Kurzinformationen: BA, PhD (Manchester), PGCE (Leeds)