Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst (DAAD) Deutscher Germanistenverband (DGV)


Geb. 1958, Sheffield, Großbritannien/Nordirland

Sprachwissenschaft - German Studies (Fachgebiet) - German linguistics; Applied linguistics; Sociolinguistics (Lehrgebiet)

Anschrift: University of Sheffield - Department of Germanic Studies (School of Modern Languages), University of Sheffield - Jessop West, Upper Hanover Street, Sheffield S3 7RA


Besondere Forschungsgebiete: Second language learning; Spoken language; Pragmatics

Monographien: (with J. Miller) Spontaneous spoken language (1998*).

Aufsätze und Beiträge: Some effects of a foreign language classroom on the development of German negation (AL, 1994). The role of formulaic language in second language acquisition: a review (ibid., 1995). (with J. Miller) The function of LIKE in dialogue (JoP, 1995). Focusing constructions in spoken language. Clefts, Y-movement, thematization and deixis in English and German (LB, 1995). (with J. Miller) Cleft constructions in spoken language (JoP, 1996).

Zusätzliche Kurzinformationen: MA, PhD (Edinburgh)