Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst (DAAD) Deutscher Germanistenverband (DGV)


Geb. 1951, Liverpool, Großbritannien/Nordirland

Neuere deutsche Literaturwissenschaft - German Studies (Fachgebiet) - German social history since the 18th-c.; History of ideas; Women's studies; Women's history (Lehrgebiet)

Anschrift: The University of Liverpool - School of Cultures, Languages and Area Studies, Cypress Building - Chatham Street, Liverpool, L69 7ZR


Besondere Forschungsgebiete: Social history since the 18th century; Labour history; Gender/women's history; History of insurance; Blacks in German history

Monographien: Beating the Fascists? The German Communists and Political Violence 1929-1933 (1983).

Aufsätze und Beiträge: The uses of remembrance: the legacy of the Communist resistance in the German Democratic Republic, in Germans against Nazism (ed. F.R. Nicosia et al.) (1990). German Communism and the Popular Front (Loughborough Studies in European History and Political Economy, 1991). Women in modern Germany, in Modern Germany Reconsidered 1870-1945 (ed. G. Martel) (1992). Women, gender and the limits of political history in the age of 'mass politics', in Elections, Mass Politics and Social Change in Modern Germany (ed. J. Retallack et al.) (1992). Brecht's Germany: 1898-1933, in The Cambridge Companion to Brecht (ed. P.W. Thomson) (1994). The historical development of German social policy, in Social Policy in Germany (ed. R. Freeman et al.) (1994). Links gleich Rechts? Militante Straßengewalt um 1930, in Physische Gewalt (ed. T. Lindenberger et al.) (1995). Restoring moral order on the home front: compulsory savings schemes for young workers in Germany, in Authority, Identity and the Social History of the Great War (ed. M. Shevin Coetzee et al.) (1995). Lesewut, Kinosucht, Radiotismus, in Amerikanisierung? (ed. A. Lüdtke et al.) (1996). Zwei Geschlechter - eine Geschichte?, in Was sind Frauen, was sind Männer? (ed. C. Eifert et al.) (1996). State and society in modern Germany - Beamtenstaat, Klassenstaat, Sozialstaat, in State, Social Policy and Social Change in Germany 1880-1994 (ed. W.R. Lee et al.) (1997).

Übersetzungen: Rationale Beziehungen. Geschlechterverhältnisse im Rationalisierungsprozeß (1993). State, Social Policy and Social Change in Germany 1880-1994 (1997).

Herausgebertätigkeit: A. Kuhn, Power and powerlessness: women after 1945 (GH, 1989). Jörg Roesler, Changes in the employment of women in East German industry, 1945 to the present, in Women in the Labour Force (ed. E. Aerts et al.) (1990).

Zusätzliche Kurzinformationen: BA (McGill), PhD(Cantab)