Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst (DAAD) Deutscher Germanistenverband (DGV)

John Douglas LAFFLING

Geb. 1952, Edinburgh, Großbritannien/Nordirland

Sprachwissenschaft - Computerlinguistik (Fachgebiet) - German language; Translation; Translation studies (Lehrgebiet)

Anschrift: Heriot-Watt University - School of Management and Languages, Heriot-Watt University - Riccarton, Edinburgh EH14 4AS


Besondere Forschungsgebiete: Machine translation; Machine-aided translation; Contrastive Textology

Monographien: Towards High-Precision Machine Translation - Based on Contrastive Textology (1991).

Aufsätze und Beiträge: On translating, by machine, from a 'block of words to a block of words' (TEXTconTEXT, 1992). Knowledge-based machine translation, with a difference, in Translation and Meaning (ed. M. Thelen et al.) (1992). On constructing a transfer dictionary for man and machine (Target, 1992). A corpus-based analysis dictionary for machine and human translation, in Recent Trends in Empirical Translation Research (ed. S. Tirkkonen-Condit et al.) (1993). Translation memory: simulating the translator's routine and non-routine behaviour, in Translation - The Vital Link (ed. C. Picken) (1993). An analogical dictionary for machine translation: design, organization and application, in EURALEX '94 (ed. W. Martin et al.) (1994). Ideological purity: machine translation's pride or pitfall? (Target, 1994). Human translation expertise: a newly emerging element in machine translation, in Basic Issues in Translation Studies (ed. A. Neubert et al.) (1995). (Hybrid) example-based machine translation: the answer to the meaning representation problem?, in Translation and Meaning (ed. M. Thelen et al.) (1996).

Übersetzungen: (with S. Tirkkonen-Condit) Recent Trends in Empirical Translation Studies (1993).

Zusätzliche Kurzinformationen: BA (Bristol), PhD (CNAA)