Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst (DAAD) Deutscher Germanistenverband (DGV)

Mary Edna STEWART (née COCK)

Geb. 1943, Cambridge, Großbritannien/Nordirland

Neuere deutsche Literaturwissenschaft (Fachgebiet) - German literature from 1750 to the present day (Lehrgebiet)

Anschrift: University of Cambridge - Department of German, Faculty of Modern and Medieval Languages - University of Cambridge - Sidgwick Avenue, Cambridge CB3 9DA


Besondere Forschungsgebiete: Naturalism and late 19th-c. narrative writing; Max Frisch and post-1945 Swiss women writers; Uwe Johnson

Aufsätze und Beiträge: 'Countries of the Mind'. Max Frisch's Narrative Technique (MLR, 1970). Uwe Johnson: An interpretation of two novels (MLR, 1974). German Naturalism and the novel (MLR, 1976). Max Kretzer: Some aspects of his realism (GLL, 1978). Naturalism and the supernatural: a fresh look at religious issues in two German novels of the 1890s (JES, 1982). Alpine adventures: some thoughts on Max Frisch's Antwort aus der Stille (MLR, 1983). Max Frisch, in Great Foreign Language Writers (ed. J. Vinson et al.) (1984). Hermann Hesse (ibid.). Max Frisch, in Contemporary Foreign Language Writers (ed. J. Vinson et al.) (1984). Uwe Johnson (ibid.). The problem of personality in Uwe Johnson's early novels (LGS, 1986). Max Frisch's Blaubart: a trivial pursuit? (FMLS, 1988). Articles on Karl Bleibtreu, M.G. Conrad, Hermann Conradi, Max Halbe, Gerhart Hauptmann, Max Kretzer and Johannes Schlaf, in Lexikon der deutschsprachigen Literatur (ed. W. Killy) (1988/91). Margrit Schriber: Women and Fiction in Switzerland, in Rejection and Emancipation (ed. M. Butler et al.) (1991). Sleeping Beauty's Revenge: Irony in two novels by Margrit Schriber (FMLS, 1992). Franz Xaver Kroetz, in Contemporary World Writers (ed. T. Chevalier) (1993). Hermann Hesse's Steppenwolf and Uwe Johnson's Mutmaßungen über Jacob, in Beyond Realism (ed D. Midgley) (1993). Gerhart Hauptmann (DBE, 1996). Hermann Hesse's Steppenwolf, in Encyclopedia of the Novel (ed. P. Schellinger) (1998*).

Zusätzliche Kurzinformationen: MA, DPhil (Oxon); Fellow and Director of Studies in Modern Languages, Robinson College